Search results

  1. atavistic

    Roy Orbison - Black and White Night

    An old favorite. They call it the Billion Dollar Band. Worth every cent. Wouldn't everyone love to stumble into a small venue and see this show?
  2. atavistic

    Little Wing

    You've got your Hendrix. You've got your Derek & The Dominos. You've got your Stevie Ray Vaughn. Others? Who is the definitive? (My vote is Stevie)
  3. atavistic

    Income Inequality - Dem Candidates

    Most the candidates are all for redistributing our wealth - why don't they redistribute their wealth (campaign funds) among each other so that they each have a 'fair' chance? Hillary has $33M on hand. I'm sure she's paying her pollsters and handlers far more than Chaffee is paying his people...
  4. atavistic

    Time for the Poll/Pole That Matters

    So its not Ginger / Mary Ann
  5. atavistic

    Chris Kyle - American Sniper

    After reading the book, seeing the movie, he strikes me as the real deal. I mean damn, wouldn't you have wanted this guy on your side when the shit gets deep? Isn't he what Americans aspire do be, what we all hope we could be when the going gets tough? The morons who say he had a murderous...
  6. atavistic

    Retail MJ Store

    So what is the ideal model for buying pot when/if its made completely legal? A small storefront like a typical liquor store, a hang out area/bar, a delivery service? Let's design the Perfect Pot Proprietorship once the laws are changed. Need names, too. Potco? McDoobies? Weed*Mart? I'd love a...
  7. atavistic

    Female Politicos

    OK, this isn't about politics or policies. This just a 'MaryAnn vs. Ginger' poll. Pick 'em.
  8. atavistic

    Blazed, With No Quarter

    Melting into the couch, with 'No Quarter' at an insane volume. Zep totally rules.
  9. atavistic

    Botanicalls - Water Me

    This is pretty wild - a device that has your plant tweet you when it needs water. Damn pricey at $100, but for techie how has/needs everything. And no, I don't have one so no clue if they really work.
  10. atavistic

    Popcorn Sutton - RIP

    The Old Moonshiner and a kindred soul of many around here, done in by his own hand rather go to prison. Cook up some for us - we'll be there soon enough.
  11. atavistic

    Willie On Tour

    Going to see Willie Nelson in Myrtle Beach in March. Anyone seen this tour, or going to see him at House Of Blues? I hear the old bastard still has it.
  12. atavistic

    Hedge Fund Hemper

    A fine link from CNBC: Hedge Fund Manager: Goodbye ... And Think Pot - General * US * News * Story - A letter to some the fund's holders may get a few converts to our side (the good stuff is in the last few paragraphs.)
  13. atavistic

    Pagey Closing The Olympics

    Looking forward to the old man wearing and tearing the Bird's Nest. Early word is: Whole Lotta Love.
  14. atavistic


    So apart from all this, why was he in her room at 2AM? The story had died down, so I highly doubt it was to warn her that he was going public. There's no way my wife would understand my going into a former girlfriend's hotel room in the middle of the night 3K miles from home. To see someone...
  15. atavistic

    Happy Goddamn Independence Day

    Enough about gas, recession, war, etc. I'm taking the weekend off from bad news - grateful to be a GODDAMN American and to be alive! It's time to tear it up this weekend! Bongs hits, booze, burgers and rock n roll, old school. Let's have a fifth on the 4th!
  16. atavistic

    Friday, Pot:30

    Look at the clock on the wall. Just a few more hours. Can't wait for that first (and second and third) ice cold bong hit!!! Let's get this weekend STARTED!
  17. atavistic

    Hypothetical Attic Grow Room

    Looking to move out the closet - no jokes please. If I were to build a 8 X 8 X 8 grow room in the attic (SE USA), what would be more economical? Pull cool air from existing central air system and house, or put small portable A/C in room? Exhaust and/or ducting from both out through roof...
  18. atavistic

    Spitzer - Stay or Go?

    Scumbag, or everyone makes a mistake? (Feel free to post pic of Kristen when it becomes available)
  19. atavistic

    Noobie to RIU

    Exile from OG. Out of the loop for a while, time to restock with a fall indoor harvest. Small time, personal use, closet. Germinating as we speak, er, type.
  20. atavistic

    Lindsay Lohan - Busted Again

    I don't think she has drug problem, she has a driving problem. She needs to hire a driver-she'd avoid a lot of problems.