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  1. Kaban

    how to sterilize properly after Pythium Wilt

    Hello everyone, I recently lost a plant due to Pythium Wilt. It was in a GH Waterfarm drip system with clay pebbles. From what I read around the nets those Pythium spores seem to be extremely tough bastards. I'll be building a new grow room soon and don't want to infect it... so what is...
  2. Kaban

    help me understand ventilation math (400w in 2x3x6)

    Hi, I'm trying to understand CFM and how it relates to noise and fan size. I plan to build 2x3x6 (36 cuft) grow box/cabinet and have already bought a 400w hps (not cool-tube). The cabinet will be in a room that has AC. 1. How much CFM would I need for that space? Is there a rule like...
  3. Kaban

    Is this bugs or deficiency?

    Thanks for the advice, repping you up doc! I'm not sure what the exact pH was because the test kit had only one color for 6 and one for 7, so it could have been slightly below 7 as well. I actually have some ph down concentrate from General Hydroponics left from another grow; I'm trying to...
  4. Kaban

    Is this bugs or deficiency?

    Hello, here is an update. I tested the soil today, pH came in at 7, and all NPK came in at "low" or "very low" according to the color chart. Yes, the brown spots have started appearing on the young, small and dark green leaves that are at the bud sites. Here are more pictures:
  5. Kaban

    Is this bugs or deficiency?

    Hi, I haven't measured pH, will do so in the next watering which is two days from now. I doubt its P deficiency though, because last week I fed the plant "Bone Meal" which is something like 6-9-0. I applied anti-insect soap today on top of the Neem oil. Hoping it will improve.
  6. Kaban

    Is this bugs or deficiency?

    I sprayed with Neem oil, but two days later the spots have continued to multiply. Now they are on the youngest leaves at the bud sites too. Any ideas? Fungus? Blight? Thanks in advance.
  7. Kaban

    Is this bugs or deficiency?

    Hi, these guys are less than 3 weeks away from harvest so at first I thought it was some sort of deficiency cause it was happening only on older leaves. But the little brown/dark red spots have been spreading very fast and today I saw them on newer leaves too. Is it some bug attack or...
  8. Kaban

    potency when harvesting early

    Hi all, I'm halfway through my first flowering stage (3 weeks left out of 6, Lowryder 2) and I can't wait to smoke some of my first harvest. I'm curious how strong the smoke will be now compared to the end of the harvest. 50%? Less? What if I wait a week? Thanks!
  9. Kaban

    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    Yeah, basically an hour after the break the leaves started having very weird dark spots on and to curl upwards. I chopped it off and the remains are being cremated as we speak :joint: Thanks for the kind words folks. This was just dipping toes in the water with a freebie and I learned a lot...
  10. Kaban

    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    The plant's dead. It has had stem rot or someone described it damping off or Pythium wilt. Sorry and thanks to everyone who commented on this journal. I will sterilize the setup and start something else in a few weeks.. I hope.
  11. Kaban

    stem just broke

    So, not only is the plant lost, but I have to sterilize the entire hydro system? Or is it better to trash it and get a new one?
  12. Kaban

    stem just broke

    Eaten away by what? There were no bugs or mites or anything on the plant. Is it too much moisture?
  13. Kaban

    stem just broke

    Hi, my plant just broke few minutes ago. I've propped it up with two wooden sticks. Is the stem rotting? Here is a pic Will the plant survive?
  14. Kaban

    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    I was starting to suspect that constantly moving the plants in and out of the sun wasn't such a good idea. Although I love how the plant goes literally hyper when its out. Anyway, here's a daily update. PPM is 980, no signs of flowering, still growing very fast. According to the instruction...
  15. Kaban

    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Sorry to rain on your advertising campaign, but there already are 130 lumen/Watt LEDs from OSRAM. Next year 160 L/W models are expected.
  16. Kaban

    Spectra Unit 90watt Led grow, almost done.Whe got buds...

    Great thread. Thinking of doing a SCROG grow under LED. That should solve the canopy penetration problems.
  17. Kaban

    Carbon Scrubber and Police K9's

    So you cover your neighbors' property, even the entire block if you wish. You don't need that much leaf mass to do a decent job. Let them dig deeper; by the time they close in on your house you will have cleared everything.
  18. Kaban

    Carbon Scrubber and Police K9's

    How will you do the venting? Infrared can see through treetops if the chopper is flying low enough.
  19. Kaban

    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    Plant's doing fine, just updating daily pic. It should start to flower any day now. Its been almost a week since last change of nutes so once it flowers I'll put it on different schedule.
  20. Kaban

    Carbon Scrubber and Police K9's

    There are ways around this. Barry Cooper advises to regularly grind up stems and leaves and spread them all over the place. This will confuse the K-9 because it will smell pot everywhere. You should watch his videos, some of his ideas are good. (google "never get busted")