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  1. Rejeckted

    How Much Longer For These Girls?

    Um.....relax? And to the OP....Lookin good, second plant is somewhat close. I'de give it another week or two like mambo mentioned.
  2. Rejeckted

    Wilting plants

    Looking closer, it looks like only the plants on the mat are having the hardest time. They seem to be wilting the most. My little eye spots a plant to the left (off the mat) that looks like it isn't having the wilting problem as bad.
  3. Rejeckted

    Wilting plants

    I know its noobish and i hope you dont take offense to my suggestion. I'm assuming you have a hole or two punched in the cups, but try elevating the cups with something that allows the hole to be unblocked. That rubber mat seems like it would prevent water from draining depending on the size of...
  4. Rejeckted

    Wrinkled Leaves On Top

    31 degrees? Wow :) Looks like a heat issue. You have fans going? I had some 'wrinkling' at one point (not as bad as yours). I added another fan and raised the light and it was corrected within 24 hours.
  5. Rejeckted

    Plants too big for grow room

    I had/have this issue. Started flowering and a few were getting pretty close to the light (also 400w). Fortunately i was able to lower the plants (The light was at max height). I'm only in week 2 of flowering and im nervous that the buds that pop out will get closer and closer to the light...
  6. Rejeckted

    Quick Question

    Wow, i learned something today!
  7. Rejeckted

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    You know whats funny? I saw a homeless man sitting outside of a starbux the other day on a laptop. I wish i was kidding. But he had all the symptoms. Cardboard sign, shopping cart with his belongings, and just generally a dirty guy. Either he makes good money begging or someone threw a laptop...
  8. Rejeckted

    First time grow - HomeMade Drip System

    Finally got a higher resolution photo of my first flowering attempt. Not too shabby if i do say so myself, especially for my first time. Also, a little update. I'll be abandoning this thread after these plants are harvested. I went to home depot and picked up materials for an aeroponic setup...
  9. Rejeckted

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    epixbud! Amazing journal! I'm truely jelous of your beautiful setup. I'm about to assemble my first aeroponics setup tomorrow and i have a question (more of a concern) for ya. In my setup i have ABS PVC piping to enclose the pots/sprayers. The PVC is about 4" in diameter (I'll be using 2" net...
  10. Rejeckted

    No Private Messages

    I'm a new user, i got a PM but when i went to the site it was blank. The email notification however showed the message and i was able to reply to the person. This is retarded XD
  11. Rejeckted

    For some reason im not able to read your messages on the forum. I looked at the email...

    For some reason im not able to read your messages on the forum. I looked at the email notification, and read your message. No problem man its my pleasure. As for the watering, Your supposed to water them quite a bit. I hear the magic amount is like 2 minutes on 5 minutes off. Unfortunately...
  12. Rejeckted

    Setting up first grow room but need some help with lighting??

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that a 400w will have enough light for a 3'x3' area. I have a 400w lighting a total of 7 plants right now. 2 of them however look a little small, im not sure if its a characteristic of the strain (both plants are from the same mother) or because the taller...
  13. Rejeckted

    Turned on Duct Fan and Tent began to Reek! Help!

    Yikes, smoke huh? I would run it away from the grow area for a bit. Maybe the smoke/smell will go away after a while. I would also maybe call the place you purchased it from and tell them about the smoke. Maybe they will replace it. I bought a crappy 8" duct fan for $40 and i've been running...
  14. Rejeckted

    Possibly starting up a medical grow soon, Any Helpers?

    From what i've heard General Hydroponics has the best nutes available. On my first grow GH has worked amazing, i've gotten a little bit of yellowing here and there but i usually just tone down the amount of nutes im using and the issues dissapear. If your in california i believe "Mature"...
  15. Rejeckted

    My first grow and journal

    PH testing solution is cheaper then the cups your using to grow. You dont NEED a digital PH tester. Make sure you have a hole or two in the bottom for excess water to drain. I'm a noob myself but if i had to guess, i would say the roots arent getting enough oxygen. I've seen bigger plants in...
  16. Rejeckted

    First time grow - HomeMade Drip System

    Just found a picture from Tuesday of the G13 plant. I believe its in week 5 or 6. More to come! Edit: Sorry for the crappy images. All i have is the camera on my 3G iPhone. :(
  17. Rejeckted

    First time grow - HomeMade Drip System

    Long time reader, finally decided to say hello and show off my first grow! I'm a California Medicinal Patient, and i LOOOOVE marijuana! I'm using a 4'x4' grow tent with a 400W HPS bulb. I built a simple Drip Irrigation System. Using some misc. parts from my local Hydro shop along with some...
  18. Rejeckted

    Setting up first grow room but need some help with lighting??

    Thats a big area for CFLs. They will work for vegging but when its time for flowering CFLs wont cut it. I would suggest getting a 600W HPS system thats capable of using a MH Conversion bulb. I'm also a newbie. I have a 400W HPS for a 4'x4' tent, and my plants are crying for more light. I...
  19. Rejeckted

    Turned on Duct Fan and Tent began to Reek! Help!

    I wouldn't have used insulated ducting. All your doing is moving air. I would also double check the fan for "Remove this before running" stickers or plastic.
  20. Rejeckted

    Are these balls??? Pics Attached

    Never seen a hermi before. Now im nervous about my own plants as i seem to remember something similar :cry::cry: (P.S. LOL @ Thread Title)