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  1. Gropotkin

    Stealth grow space

    P.S. - CONGRATS ON JOINING THE CLUB! P.P.S. - the antique could probably house your clone plant and your closet could probably hold a rubbermaid box or two (stacked) with 16oz or 20oz coke bottles filled with soil and tiny 12inch clones. If you have enough CFLs this can be very rewarding. Check...
  2. Gropotkin

    Stealth grow space

    because no one has mentioned it yet. Marijuana stinks. And it stinks good. If you want your mom to lose the place, then neglecting the odoriferous aspect of stealth growing is going to land you in trouble. If the police don't like maybe because of the color of your skin, your politics, or they...
  3. Gropotkin

    An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...

    Mylar's plastic keeps its reflective surface smooth and therefor, a more constant mirror than foil which has all sorts of crinkles and wrinkles in it as well as a rough and diffused surface which does not make such a great reflector. Also, they use Mylar in emergency blankets in First Aid kits...
  4. Gropotkin

    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Subsidies suck - that is how we crashed the Mexican corn market in teh 70s (NAFTA). Subsidies are just one way in which America has become a shadow fascist state. Free Market capitalists (that don't own capital) hate subsidies because they often protect those that market forces would put out of...
  5. Gropotkin

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    If I have learned anything from these posts it is that the number of people who genuinely love and crave freedom is great. I have also learned that we can all agree on many things: Politicians suck. Greed sucks. Politicians are greedy and that sucks. Freedom is nice and we like it. More...
  6. Gropotkin

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    I love animals which is why I hate to see over population. If perhaps there were free associations of dog lovers and cat lovers they could register their animals and track statistics about feral dog and cat populations. Majority rule or consensus protocols could determine whether the...
  7. Gropotkin

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    Aren't you paying attention? There are many forms of socialism as there are many forms of market economies and many forms of Christianity and many forms of feminism and so on and so on. Forms of socialism range from the anti-authoritarian to the totalitarian. It is a diverse field of political...
  8. Gropotkin

    Question and idea: Can we clear this up? Lumens don't add so ...

    Another benefit this might have besides automatically safe closeness is the reduced need to raise and lower the light and more efficient penetration in sea-of-green configurations, no?
  9. Gropotkin

    Question and idea: Can we clear this up? Lumens don't add so ...

    If lumens do not add up as I have read numerous times here then is it possible to have too many CFLs? If lumens don't add up and more CFLs just means more coverage... Is it possible to have too much coverage? And if nearness to the leaves is important... Why not make some wire cages or...
  10. Gropotkin

    dealing with very hot days

    I know how it is to be poor, man. I live in weather that is even hotter than that though. One thing I do is use CFLs, but of course that's not for everyone and I understand that. The other most important thing I do is run it at night after like 8-9ish after the sun has been gone long enough for...
  11. Gropotkin

    I had a nightmare last night...

    I heard that daily smoking can make you stop dreaming or forget your dreams but some people are born this way. I like to smoke salvia before I go to sleep sometimes and that does cool things to dreaming. What am I saying? Don't stop for a minute. :) Not for dreams anyway...
  12. Gropotkin

    I had a nightmare last night...

    I get bent out of shape if I don't have green in my life. I have severe depression and anxiety as well as thoughts of suicide. (Don't worry about me though. I know better.) I smoke because it makes me into a normal person instead of the typical wreck I have become. So I've been dry for a while...
  13. Gropotkin

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    Unless you have land where you practice sustainable homesteading and do not depend on petroleum and are commited to water conservation - you probably should not have a kid. Resources are finite and we are about to run head first into a brick wall. Peak Oil is one thing, but Peak Everything...
  14. Gropotkin

    Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?

    Well, if you mean bureaucracy then yeah. Fjuk that noize. But there are plenty of forms of socialism that are the opposite of Stalinist, Maoist, State Capitalist regimes that wave the red flag around and sing solidarity songs while pocketing the labor value of the proletariats. Quick way to...
  15. Gropotkin

    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    I direct you to the quote by Emma Goldman in my sig. Also, I like what the FAQ has to say about human nature: here's the lead-in, but be sure to read the whole section "Anarchists, far from ignoring "human nature," have the only political theory...
  16. Gropotkin

    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Why do you say anarchism is out? Anarchists have gone to a great deal of trouble in trying to innovate decision making processes like Consensus ( Consensus: A New Handbook for Grassroots Social, Political, and Environmental Groups. Tucson: See Sharp Press. ISBN 1884365396 ) and socially just...
  17. Gropotkin

    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    Actually Post-Left Anarchism attempts to step above both left and right. Post-Leftists argue that anarchism has been weakened by its association with contrary leftist politics such as the early alliances anarchists and Bolsheviks had (which ultimately led to the Bolsheviks betraying the russian...
  18. Gropotkin

    Who's on the right VS who's on the left

    There are many, many, many, different sub-groups to both the "left" and the "right". First, let's start with where the use of the term "left" in polity vocabulary comes from. "In politics, left-wing, political left, leftist and the Left are terms...
  19. Gropotkin

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    P.S. - Obama is not a socialist. Type that into google. Read the Socialist Worker articles.
  20. Gropotkin

    Argument with a friend over socialism

    He's right. There are forms of indigenous governance that have lasted quite a long time. Aboriginal justice and indigenous forms of decision making are very interesting if you are into anthropology or history. Search away! Also, we need to realize that there are words like communism and...