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  1. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I'm doing it outdoors Way too much hassle for that really Quite risky as it is lol
  2. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I'm very limited on space hence why I don't mind forking a little out for the lights I'm.actually putting mine outside ,passive air should be fine Going for the eb2s so can avoid fans due to noise Yeah bit ideal but literally the only choice I have If I can get 1-2 ok batch out of it then...
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    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thank god this was seen before purchased lol
  4. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them Does this driver work and to confirm.this has a built in dimmer ? Is this combatilble with both 4 f series and 8 eb 2s Long questions I know ,literally only started learning about LEDs for a week...
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    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    And sorry did you mean the 2ft strips When stating you would use 4 f series ? Thanks
  6. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    This is what I've been recommended... Get a hlg-240-20a or b (a doesn't need a pot as it has dimmer built in) £60 8x 2ft strips @ £4 each. =£32 The aluminium cut to 4 lengths of 1200mm = £18 plus vat and...
  7. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    My area will be 1.4mx0.7m with a 1.4m height I thought 8 X eb2s as recommended by a extremely helpful member on here(coreywebster ) was a good idea due to the height ? I'm up for any help the full cost of set up was working out at like £120 including the heatsink and frame etc
  8. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Ah ok No expert at all just about to attempt a led strip journey my self I was looking at getting 7x eb 2 2ft strips Would it be nominal to go to a f series ,is that what your stating ? And using less ?
  9. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I don't understand why you would get these over the eb series gen 2 when their far far more cost effective Am I missing something ? Should I get the the f series ??
  10. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks for your input Truth be told still confused on the flux Probably my fault That being said all I need to do is get some help in purchasing and setting up my first set up and then I'm sure I'll gather knowledge Was thinking if a 1m x1m How many watts do you think I'd need ? Hey thanks...
  11. W

    Thanks alot I think I'll be going for strip lighting for efficiency and cost effectiveness...

    Thanks alot I think I'll be going for strip lighting for efficiency and cost effectiveness What do you think ?
  12. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey man so at 50w a strip ,is that bad then ? Lol I see so the higher the flux the better the possible lpw can be depending on how soft you run it and also the integrity of the chip ,is that about right ? How important is the flux then? For example this eb series BXEB-L0280Z-35E1000-C-B3...
  13. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks alot Corey I've been reading and diving into different rabbit holes of info and was looking at the f series strips on digikey uk Now ,this might sound dumb at ,as I swear I read up on this but can't locate the info anymore What is this flux@current/temperature mean ? The more I read the...
  14. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Might be a lil while till that point but absolutely I will Can't even insert in links ATM lol Thank you so much
  15. W

    Driverless Vs normal cob led help DIY

    Thank you for your informed reply Really appreciate it So what a good basis for purchasing a cob or strip What should I be looking at ? I understand lpw Atleast gives me an idea.of intensity Is the CRI rating important ? I understand this is how close to natural sunlight ,although...
  16. W

    Driverless Vs normal cob led help DIY

    I see Thank you for that Do you have any links ? Will be happy to give em a.go if someone else has tried them too ? And sorry ,heard alot of blurple ,what exactly is that ? Thanks guys ,helping alot more than me searching continuously and aimlessly on the internet Thank you
  17. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey thanks alot I'll be honest I'm completely new so I don't know what a 1212.bulb is ATM Wait so you don't need any heat sink with led strips ? Are they generally the same.light .e.f par as lpw as.cobs ?if not that what are the drawbacks ? So as far as space I'm unsure Thinking about...
  18. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks I'll give them a look
  19. W

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hi Posted this elsewhere but just incase.. Looking to start a new experience with a.cob led grow ,probably a bunch of 50w ,probably 6-9 Wanted to ask a couple of questions are driverless LEDs useless as some people go on ? Quite confusing as the grows and articles based on research show...
  20. W

    Led Users Unite!

    Hi Looking to start a new experience with a.cob led grow ,probably a bunch of 50w ,probably 6-9 Wanted to ask a couple of questions are driverless LEDs useless as some people go on ? Quite confusing as the grows and articles based on research show otherwise Also is this due to the...