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  1. E

    Lowlife AK47 Automatic

    Thanks for this. Just put some lowryder 2 in to seed today. Growing outside, first time, so not expecting anything more than getting a little experience.
  2. E

    How to keep annoying f#@king children from destroying my garden?

    Ive worked with kids and gardens and if you can get them involved they may not love it, but they start to get it. Most kids like catching and killing slugs and shit like that. Anything dirty, watery or sick, bless the little fuckers .
  3. E

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    I cant remember when i first got high, not because of memeory loss but because i was a sporadic smoker very young. I smoke now for lots of reasons, the one i appreciate most at this time in life is the amplification of feelings. Weed helps me be more aware of my feelings and how others make me...
  4. E


    Hello, im thinking of growing Lowryder2. It might be a silly question, but are they basically just annuals?