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  1. H

    Price of Bud if Legal

    I think when they legalize it, it will become cheap as hell. I think a g will be $1-2 bucks. Think about it, if the govt tries to tax the fuck out of it, they still have to compete with the dealers. People are going to buy from the cheaper guy obviously. Me, on the other hand, im just gonna...
  2. H

    new 2 the boards

    Ya i have an ac unit im gonna keep in there. thx uce
  3. H

    Whats up with selling pot by weight?

    damn i wish i had the guy u were talkin to. round here an 1/8 (3.5g) goes for 50. I get a break, but ive had peeps offer 60 for an 1/8!
  4. H

    ways to reduce red eye without eyedrops?

    Idk any other ways to rid bloodshot eyes, but i do kno that when buyin eye drops, the cheapest ones DO NOT work. I have had times where I forgot my eds b4 school and borrowed some cheap drops and they made my eyes even more red. So make sure and get ones that work well.
  5. H

    stories of when you got caught up (arrested, parents, exc) with weed/being high

    yo i got caught in hs. i was on the football team and we went to a camp in another state. Me and my homie decided to blaze it up in the bathroom about 9oclock. Another homie had just txt me to join us so i opened the door to the hallway and our headcoach was staring rite at me lol. The entire...
  6. H

    new 2 the boards

    sup everyone? i just joined this site to learn about growin my own stuff. Ive been a smoker for about 5 years now. stoner for about 6 months. Im movin into my own pad and am gonna start growin my own plant. I just need to get some more info on it. It sucks living where i do cuz its too hot 2...