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    Get some strong rubbing alcohol and soak your glass in it for 24 hours (just the dirty part) and then just rinse out everything that might be left over. Let soak longer if needed. You can also go to a head shop and buy 420 cleaner which will do the same thing for more money (at least i think...
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    Curling yellow leaves. help plz

    Anyone got anything? other than overwatering? the plants are getting more and more yellow by the day no matter how much i water it =(
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    Curling yellow leaves. help plz

    The soil is scotts potting mix and the water is reverse osmosis from the gas station water dispenser up the street.
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    Curling yellow leaves. help plz

    Hey guys I am having some troubles with my plants. I have only given these guys straight water since day 1 and I am not sure how long I have had these guys (i think like 3 weeks). Now my big guy is having the botom leaves turn yellow and curl up. They have started to look better, but since the...
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    female for sure?

    Looks nice and sexy female to me but idk alot lol. Enjoy the buds if it is, you should keep this thing updated.
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    The Ganja....

    niacin flush yourself. Go to a store and get niacin, it will be the worst night of you life, but it will rid your system of EVERYTHING.
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    help me!!!!!!!

    It has probably been overwatered. I would give it a couple days and if it does not look better then its a more serious problem. Just let it get rid of the excess water then return to regular i would say.
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    Planted the monsters of 09

    For real dude haha. I wouldnt fuck with those things or that puppy. No matter how awesome he is.
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    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    Best quote I have heard all day. Thank you for that!!!!
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    purple stems

    Dude, lock the grow room or something, that kinda thing would not go down. cat si being selfish, taking all the plant for itself. You gotta start sharing with it man lol.
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    White Residue

    Looks like some kind of a mold to me man, I am no expert though.
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    Planted the monsters of 09

    Took the words right out of my mouth. That is way funny lmao. 4 legged ak's are best because they dont jam lol.
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    Planted the monsters of 09

    After reading this whole thread i gotts say that peeps gotta understand the code. Talk shit, get hit. Post pics of what yopu got or there is nothing there. I have no pics, i have nothing. I have my first grow but i dont try to make it bigger than it is. I am all about having pride in your...
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    My first gro, these are male right???

    Dude I am curious of how you water the plants with the sand on top of the soil? Wouldn't the sand just turn straight to mud and fuck everything up? Thats how I have always seen sand react to water so i am really curious of this.
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    Seeds from sex

    Thanks for setting it straight man.
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    How To Save On Electricity: Post Tips Here

    I read about half of this post and started laughing. No offense but it happened. With all of these people saying they have plugged all of the stuff into a power strip and turn it off to save power, this is retarded. Turning something off usnt going to stop the power, the power goes from the...
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    Seeds from sex

    I am really confused about which sex produces seeds. I have been told that males produce the seeds while I have also been told that females produce the seeds after being pollinated by the males. Which is true?
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    Flowering confusion

    The last time i tried to put these lights closer i burned the plant. Will keeping them a little farther away (like what i have) make them really stretchy or will it be bad for them at all? I just don't want to kill the children you know?
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    Flowering confusion

    Ok thanks, so will leaving a plant in a 12/12 cycle be bad for it or will it just not get to its full potential before starting flowering? Today I woke up and found that another of my babies decided to start growing! the guy came popping out! I cant wait!. The Big guy looks fine to me, still...
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    New person, need help, dealer trouble

    How long have you known this guy? i would be fine with it if you know the guy for sure, otherwise it sounds a little off. Might just be stoner paranoia. ' Good Luck man.