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  1. Dr. Bud420


    If you keep them in a dry, dark area they could last for years.
  2. Dr. Bud420

    Grizzly f3's 09

    Good lookin plants there griz. i know what you're talking about with the a perfect world you'd like to leave them a little longer, but it's better getten em a little early then havin them combined with the corn. those girls look awesome though, lots of crystals. enjoy.
  3. Dr. Bud420

    it's bud time ;)

    Poplars, those are fucking beutiful! I gotta the hell do you trim all that? I can't imagine how long that would take.
  4. Dr. Bud420

    newbie,just saying hello with pics

    Very nice yenko. Good lookin plants fer sure. Your gonna have yourself a nice harvest. Congrats.
  5. Dr. Bud420

    Killer Pot Brownies

    Thanks Phenom, that looks yummy. Have you tried it using shake, clippings and trimmings? How much would you use in place of buds?
  6. Dr. Bud420

    Hows she looking?

    Hard to tell from those pic's. My guess is that in two more weeks you'll harvest a quarter ounce.
  7. Dr. Bud420

    buds tipping over

    Might be a good idea to tie them up, especially if they're touching the ground. If they're that heavy it could be trouble if they get rained on or heavy winds. At least if you tie them up you don't have worry about them every time there's a heavy wind.
  8. Dr. Bud420

    Toronto, Ontario Flowering

    It got pretty damn cold last night where I am (outside of Toronto). I saw frost on the neighbours roof this morning which kinda scares me. I think the girls will be OK, but I'm going out later today to make sure. The good news is that the 7 day forcast shows night time lows for the next week...
  9. Dr. Bud420

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    fdd...I've seen the size of your grows and my question is this: How many glass jars do you need for all that bud? You must have a stash of jars that fills a room? Do you ever cure/store buds in anything other than glass?
  10. Dr. Bud420

    freddiemoney's Canadian Outdoor '09

    Those look friggin awesome! Good looking plants for sure. Looks like there in a good spot with lots of sun.
  11. Dr. Bud420

    Hows she lukin guys?

    Looks good...nice tight buds. Congratulations on a successful first grow. Just a few more weeks and you'll be gettin high on your own buds! It's an awesome feeling.
  12. Dr. Bud420

    Check This Shit out !

    You should give her a shot nutes to help her bulk up before harvest. Anything high in Phosphorus will work (phosphorus is the P in N-P-K). I use Guano (2-14-0), some people swear by molasis....if you cna't find that then just take a trip to home depot and find something that is used to flower...
  13. Dr. Bud420

    Outdoor grow!

    My guess is 2 ounces dry.
  14. Dr. Bud420

    10-13 foot plant problems (pics)

    Good looking plants dude. Congratulations on what is going to be a successful first grow. I'm just west of Toronto and find that harvest time is usally from the last week of September into the first week of October - but of course it depends on what you're growing. One thing you might want...
  15. Dr. Bud420

    Increaese Mass days before harvest

    So TO Twister, what did you decide on for nutes? How groes it?
  16. Dr. Bud420


    That is one sweet ass grow you've got there artbud. those girls look delicious. i like the looks of your purple bud. what strain is that? and what kind of yield does it give you? keep up the good work!
  17. Dr. Bud420

    are these ready to bud?

    First one is a male for sure - he's just covered in balls. Can't tell what the other plant is. It's a good sign that it's not showing balls right now, but until it shows some hairs then you won't know for sure. Have you had a chance to sample your butter yet? How was it? I've always just...
  18. Dr. Bud420

    wheres the bud

    Dec 4th??? lol. Prolly more like Aug 4. Don't get too stressed about your plants....some strains just take longer than others to start flowering. I bet that any day now you'll see the first pre-flower.
  19. Dr. Bud420

    The Shack's Outdoor Baby

    Oh man........I was looking forward to watching that girl grow up in a pile of compost. I'm shattered. Please ask your bro to re-consider. Just kiddin....I'd rather see him end up with a successful grow than with his neighbours calling the cops on him. It just sounded so perfect.
  20. Dr. Bud420

    Increaese Mass days before harvest

    Hey TO Twister, I not going to be able to help you decide on those nutes...never used any of those before. My advice to you would be: don't overthink this. Basically all you need from this point on is something high in Phosphorus to help with flowering. A trip to Canadian Tire or Home Depot...