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  1. Jerriko

    Im making a stoner playlist... what should i add?

    Rocky Mountain High
  2. Jerriko

    Any Idea

    Not sure it Indica or Sativa or both. I have added couple pics.
  3. Jerriko

    When is it time.

    smile ok was a stupoid question sorry '
  4. Jerriko

    When is it time.

    When is a good time to plant outdoors in Texas?
  5. Jerriko

    Not sure

    Here i got some better pics..
  6. Jerriko

    Not sure

    Just checked Ph its 6.6. ill try and post better pictures tomorrow. Really appreciate the reply Bone Thanks.
  7. Jerriko

    Not sure many post so much to read and have read a ton of these post. Here is my problem. First 400watt Switchable. I am in flowering stage 2week. Ph is in range. Temp is 78.6 . Soil, 5 gallon pots, great air circulation, nutrients have pics. yes i use less then what is said on the...