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  1. chupamisjuevos

    Outdoor babies and rain = disaster?

    Hey guys, so I have 3 plants still outside that have been there since april. Two of them are seeds and one is a clone. The two seeds are basically ready to be harvested, most trichomes are cloudy at this point. However, I went out of town this weekend and was gunna harvest when I got back...
  2. chupamisjuevos

    Indoor to Outdoor grow

    So I had this trainwreck that I was growing indoors for about two months and I moved it outside back in april. About 3 weeks into being outside the trainwreck started to flower. Is this normal? Ive heard rumors that plants can start flowering early in the season and then reverse back to...
  3. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    so you mix this co co wet stuff with the neem oil or just use it by itself?
  4. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    im gunna try getting a shitload of ladybugs as well. Anyone have any experience with preying mantis'? Are they worth it or do they just cannabilize eachother?
  5. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    hey if you get the chance, take a picture or let me know what that plant based oil is
  6. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    Ive heard ppl say this and it says it on the container of neem oil that you mix 1/3 tsp of liquid dish soap with 1 1/2 tsp of the neem oil and a quart of H20. Anyone have any experience with this? The soap is safe for the plants? I copped an 8 oz bottle of this neem, ill try it out for a few...
  7. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    so you just spread the diatomaceous earth on the top layer of the soil?
  8. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    can neem oil be sprayed on flowering plants like once a week? and does it keep gnats and flies away as well?
  9. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    Looking for a organic DIY pest control for my outside grow. Trying to ward off mites and aphids, as well as bigger pests like fleas and flys. Heard about neem oil mixed with water or mixed with water and dish soap. Any suggestions? Sorry bout the repeat post, posted it in the wrong forum....
  10. chupamisjuevos

    Organic DIY pest control

    Looking for a organic DIY pest control for my outside grow. Trying to ward off mites and aphids, as well as bigger pests like fleas and flys. Heard about neem oil mixed with water or mixed with water and dish soap. Any suggestions?
  11. chupamisjuevos

    Vanilla Luna

  12. chupamisjuevos

    Vanilla Luna

    Yeah I have heard of this vanilla luna strain, but I do not know anything about it either. I am interested to here what people say
  13. chupamisjuevos

    peta peta peta peta rabbitssssssss.

    peta peta peta peta rabbitssssssss.
  14. chupamisjuevos

    pH Tester

    the hana looks like it is supposed to be dipped into water, is it possible to stick it straight into the soil?
  15. chupamisjuevos

    pH Tester

    can you test the soil with the strips?
  16. chupamisjuevos

    pH Tester

    I was looking to start testing my soil pH, but I need a tester. Whats a good, relatively cheap tester?
  17. chupamisjuevos

    Veg Humidity

    yeah, makes sense, thanks man
  18. chupamisjuevos

    Veg Humidity

    I am new to growing so bare with me. I read somewhere on this site that ideal humidity for vegetation is around 50-60%. Right now my humidity fluctuates between 37-39%. What is a cheap and easy way to increase the humidity for my plants? By the way, I have a pretty big floor fan sucking air...
  19. chupamisjuevos

    hell yeah. we need to grow a male plant, and keep it seperate from the females

    hell yeah. we need to grow a male plant, and keep it seperate from the females
  20. chupamisjuevos

    hey nugga, lets cross breed our plants when they get older.

    hey nugga, lets cross breed our plants when they get older.