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  1. R

    Need help with this deficiency!!

    It’s a CalMag missing issue - plant need it and it has nothing to do with LED lights
  2. R

    Anybody knows what could have made this happen ?

    Either plant is having an allergic reaction to some bugs (like aphids) or you are missing some trace minerals
  3. R

    Enlighten Me

    Those babies need NPK plant food ASAP. Start at 500-600pm, measure PH see how it goes
  4. R

    Someone Help ASAP

    You are not giving it enough Gro - that would cause many issues. I would give equal portions of all and make sure your ppm does not go over 900. Otherwise dilute with RO water.
  5. R

    First Time Home Grower Needs Help!

    Also I wouldn’t jump into defoliation - the plant in flower light mode will start stretching fast and it needs all the leaves that stored nitrogen it can get
  6. R

    First Time Home Grower Needs Help!

    Definitely not mildew. The somewhat uniform spots indicate missing nutrients - possibly not the NPK but rather micro nutes like trace minerals. Have you been adding those? Eg chromium or manganese?
  7. R

    Nutrient deficiency/What is going on?

    Looks like heat stress - check the leaves for meaty feel - they might be too brittle and dry. Also 68% humidity is way too high, 50 is better. You use laser termometer to check top leaves temps
  8. R


    Definitely over fed and potentially having heat stress. Flush with RO water or spring water from crystal geiser or equivalent for few days. Some leaves will improve and many will remain ugly. But at least your buds will continue to grow well. (Any dry leafs - prune those off)
  9. R

    Another leaf diagnosis request.

    Upper leafs have smaller problem since they are smaller. The plant moves some nutes up from lower leaves that’s why those start to look worse
  10. R

    Help !

    Check the PH as the water drains — likely it will move down. Simply flush the plant with higher PH water like 7 with nothing in it until your measured drained water is about 7 (I recommend to do that after you transplant to a large pot with perlite as others recommended)
  11. R

    Another leaf diagnosis request.

    It’s possible that the soil makes the water too acidic. I would recommend immediate transplanting to coco coir to a larger pot. Water flush with PH of 7 then let it dry a bit a watch the growth. Your leaf structure indicates that plant is not observing nutes.
  12. R

    Powdery Mildew?

    Turn the leaves upside down and check for spider mites. They appear as dark specs. Use your smartphone video recording with magnification to see them move around.