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  1. yabun

    Male plant pollen collection

    Yes, some of the male flowers opened but no pollen whatsoever or it's not dropping any visible pollen for me. I put a piece of aluminium foil around the plant to check if there is any pollen dropping.
  2. yabun

    Male plant pollen collection

    What is the usual time for male flowers to ripen/drop pollen?
  3. yabun

    Male plant pollen collection

    Hi All, I want to collect pollen from a male plant that I am growing. The pollen sacks open up, however the pollen sacks stay green. They don't become yellow, can I still collect pollen from this plant? The sacks have been growing over a week now and opening up as well. Looking forward to your...
  4. yabun

    Sts problems

    Did they end up giving pollen?
  5. yabun

    STS feminized seeds production: No pollen produced

    Did spraying without the soap work?
  6. yabun

    Lao Village Thailand/ Purple rock candy

    I can't see it clearly yet, maybe in a couple of days it is more clearer whether male/female?
  7. yabun

    Lao Village Thailand/ Purple rock candy

    Started following this exciting thread :D Good luck!
  8. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Great to see you have mastered the art of using colloidal silver! :D
  9. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Did you have any success with the old batch of pollen?
  10. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Keep us updated if the pollen is still viable.
  11. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    How much pollen were you able to get?
  12. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    I am looking forward to the pictures of the pollen sacs. By the way, happy new year all!
  13. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Also is it required to dry the seeds after harvesting, before storing them in a fridge/freezer? I see conflicting information around.
  14. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    @kev1968 Have you managed to get some pollen from your plant?
  15. yabun

    Stored pollen viable after one year.

    Did you already pollinate your plant?
  16. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    @kev1968 Great to see that you have succeeded in turning you plant. My plant didn't turn and that was quite a disappointment. What I did instead was switch to STS method and that turned another clone that I took after a few sprays. Now I am going to pollinate and get some seeds. :D
  17. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    @EverythingsHazy 30ppm amber CS. Spray CS 3x a day until I should see balls. Plant hasn't burned at all during weeks of spraying
  18. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Congrats of successfully reversing the plant. I was bummed out mine failed. Pistils growing instead. Did you get any pistil growth?
  19. yabun

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Update: still no balls forming. I do see some very small pistils starting to grow. Seems I have been doing something wrong again :( Could it be that my plant is invulnerable against CS?