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  1. UptownGirl202

    Leafs are yellowing at the tips.. Any advice?

    Always appreciate your post. I've ran 4 consecutive grows using your Ffof method. It really is quite fool proof lol. I wanted to know, what could I add to the regimen to aide in better bud growth and over all better plant growth. Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.
  2. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    Quick Update** The Girls Are 13 weeks. No major changes except the triconomes are very cloudy and amber (About 10 percent) Thinking of chopping the 3 oldest plants this week. Figured I post pics and ask for some feedback. @Budzbuddha I looked up several post where you spoke/ commented on the...
  3. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    **Quick Update** The Girls Are 13 weeks. No major changes except the triconomes are very cloudy and amber (About 10 percent) Thinking of chopping the 3 oldest plants this week. Figured I post pics and ask for some feedback. @Budzbuddha I looked up several post where you spoke/ commented on the...
  4. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Okay. Will definitely let them go until there ready. Thank you so much for the feedback.
  5. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Thank you so much for the reply. Im 100 percent with you. Will let them go until there ready.
  6. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Im definitely doing just that :bigjoint:
  7. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Quick Update** My ladies are 9 weeks now. Thinking the two slow pokes in the back will need a few more weeks ESPECIALLY my runt. Happy to report they are all doing well. I know I have thanked you countless times @Budzbuddha but honestly you laid out a fool proof way to grow with ease and I...
  8. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    **Quick Update** My ladies are 9 weeks now. Thinking the two slow pokes in the back will need a few more weeks ESPECIALLY my runt. Happy to report they are all doing well. I know I have thanked you countless times @Budzbuddha but honestly you laid out a fool proof way to grow with ease and I...
  9. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    **Quick Update** My ladies are officially 6 weeks. My runt is unrecognizable. All 3 of the Crystal Meth's are getting bigger by the day. My one girl in the back had clawed a bit but hasn't gotten any worse. Im thinking my blurple led was too close. FINALLY upgraded my light. Im now running a...
  10. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    @Budzbuddha Think I can get my hands on some FF Bush Doctor pretty easily also can i mix it up with the Calmag??
  11. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    @Budzbuddha lol was LITERALLY getting ready to ask you about recharge day and kelp....glad I looked through the thread first. Any particular brand in reguards to the liquid kelp??
  12. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Haven't raised my light just yet...outside of that no issue's. In reguards to the lighting, Im definitely upgrading next month. I only notice this on 2 leaves on the same plant.
  13. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    @Budzbuddha Hey friend I have a quick question for you. The girls are 4 weeks today and I noticed one of them was sporting some odd discoloration....any idea on what it could be:-( Im a little worried. Haven't done anything different so im not sure. Figured I ask you. As ALWAYS thanks in...
  14. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    I will update weekly.
  15. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    I most definitely will
  16. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    **Quick Update** So the girls are just over the 2 week mark. So far so good. Got rid of the solos and one grow bag as they never sprouted so just my 5 girls for this grow. I notice the runt of the group has some nute burn. Im thinking she is a bit sensitive as the other girls have shown no...
  17. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    So would I just hang it next to my LED or swap it out all together??
  18. UptownGirl202

    Uptown Newbie Week 1 Autos So far So Good??

    Honestly feeling like the light is the ONLY thing I'm a bit iffy on lol Let me go and be nosey on Amazon Thanks for the reply i ALWAYS apreciate the feedback
  19. UptownGirl202

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    Makes sense. Will have to experiment with a 5 gallon aswell. Apreciate the feedback as ALWAYS