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  1. SafetyMeeting

    4/20 Rituals

    I take the strongest male plant and burn him as an effigy to the pagan gods of marijuana cultivation. I do this by placing the plant in a combustable boat made specifically for this purpose which has been treated with a 50/50 combination of gasoline and vasoline, which is rubbed onto a banana...
  2. SafetyMeeting

    What's Your Favorite Thing To Do Stoned?

    I personally enjoy finding as many things to do as possible. I do this tandem and back-to-back, depending on the circumstances, as time permits. I also generally do this in the time when I, for all practical purposes, should have been doing something else. I also like to, as a general rule, get...
  3. SafetyMeeting

    Teen Who Cut Off Corpse's Head To Make Bong Sentenced

    I guess we can't all be cool enough to have our very own decapitated head bong... Besides, decapitated heads taken from large endangered game animals make for better bongs anyway. I have a friend who made a really unique piece with a skull from a baby elephant he poached from a helicopter. In...
  4. SafetyMeeting

    WTF Medical Marijuana

    The flu, colds and tonsilitus (severe) are not things medical marijuana is prescribed for. I suppose it might be because it is not good for those conditions. It's worth thinking about.