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  1. BeanNblunts

    Sunburns and Hells itch

    I tried rubbin and tuggin myself. Mentally you cant get into it and I am never one to not perform.
  2. BeanNblunts

    Sunburns and Hells itch

    Your a wise man. Well I ran and grabbed some liquid benadryl about 1hr ago. I can say it has just slightly helped. I dont know if it was the sleepy effect or the actual medication. But I dont have the energy to itch like I had. It is definitely still bad though. Thank you for passing on the good...
  3. BeanNblunts

    Sunburns and Hells itch

    Well its been about 9 hours and my sanity, or what is left of it, is starting to make its way back. I am not new to being sunburnt. In fact I actually try to burn myself and gather up as much of the beautiful sunlight each summer that I possibly can. I love it. It stings for a bit but I get an...
  4. BeanNblunts

    Win a pack of (Honey sundae)regs

    I could enjoy some just add water sundaes!
  5. BeanNblunts


    She looks like a tropical vacation I wonder how she stinks!
  6. BeanNblunts

    Do You Get High Off Edibles

    That's very interesting. I remember my first time I had an edible. Not the actual event but I remember getting told what happened LOL. Watched District 9 with my brother and fourteen hours later he woke me up with his stinky ass foot in my nose. Bastard haha. But that's super strange it doesn't...
  7. BeanNblunts

    Show us the sift

    Hahaha fucking rights hey!! I have played around in the past with just a grinder and some buds in the "my face hurts" weather. I wanna say it helped but I was young and messing around so I'm not to sure … BUT unless your Jack fucking Sparrow with a jar of Dirt it seems help dramatically. Great...
  8. BeanNblunts

    Just looking for some thoughts

    I was honestly wondering about that. I am stoked about the growth pattern but damnnn. Looks like spinach on a sandwich hahaha shit is layered!!!Will definitely be considering your notes and thin it put a bit
  9. BeanNblunts

    The Daily Nugg,

    Trapstar. Long time to go still and have yet to get my upgrades but ooooohhhweee I'm way to fired up!
  10. BeanNblunts

    Just looking for some thoughts

    Yea for flowering I am thinking 600w hps or LED equivalent ... probably an LED but I'm not sure yet. In the meantime maybe 2 more kickers just tight on funds atm
  11. BeanNblunts

    Lack of timer

    They will sense it a bit but if it was just the day you should be fine. I'm kinda in the same boat just the other way at the moment. I just got a timer but also put my girl into flower for a good 3 days LOL. Back to normal hours just stressed and moving slow
  12. BeanNblunts

    Just looking for some thoughts

    I'll update in a a few days here. I am sure it's just pissed off with me I have neglected it ... my bad
  13. BeanNblunts

    Just looking for some thoughts

    So I planted this Girl a little while ago. Didn't have a timer for the light but it was fairly consistent at 14hr10 between the sun and CFL. Ended up getting a timer like a month ago and shit went down hill for a week. Long story short it (I) malfunctioned and I accidentally put Her Into flower...