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  1. K

    Sparse buds please help

    hey guys, im about 10weeks into flowering, in soil with CFL's and my buds are starting to look really sparse and loose. should I use a flower hardener like Gravity or is this due to something else. both are Sativas so I kinda expected that but not to this degree. any advice would be appreciated...
  2. K

    Smoke Shop?

    Hey guys, anyone know of any good online smoke shops located in the U.S.?
  3. K

    Time to harvest?

    is she done yet? this is my first grow, its been 8 weeks, this strain has a short flower time, i have like 90% red hairs but no magnifying glass to check trics. id appreciate your help... Also, what happens if they flower for too long? is that possible? does the quality reduce or anything?
  4. K

    First CFL Grow... Your Thoughts??

    Hey All, This is my First Grow and Im super surprised at what I got I would really appreciate your comments, insight, opinions, questions and a little help on when to harvest. These flowering pics are from about a week and a half ago, when I started my flush.
  5. K

    Lights left on durring 12/12

    I have a fluro set up in soil and im about 3 and a half weeks into flowering. I left one of my lights on for about an hour and a half after they were supposed to go out. is this gonna make em herm? or stress em out? should I add an extra hour and a half of darkness? any advice, or thoughts are...