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  1. Metanya

    Need advice about microscope

    Hello maybe someone can help me with a microscope or something that i can use for looking at the trichomes, anyone that knows any web page that sents to Europe please post here and what i need to get meaning which one will be ok to buy and use. Ty :bigjoint:
  2. Metanya

    female plant spotted some banana

    Hello :smile: I have a female plant almost one month in flowering (showed sex 1/9) and today i spotted some banana shaped things on my buds. I read somewhere that sometimes female plants do that to have seeds in bud is that true? By the way I pulled them off... Should I keep doing that? they...
  3. Metanya

    one question

    Hello :) I have a female plant almost one month in flowering (showed sex 1/9) and today i spotted some banana shaped things on my buds. I read somewhere that sometimes female plants do that to have seeds in bud is that true? By the way I pulled them off... Should I keep doing that? they will...
  4. Metanya

    need HELP ASAP

    I have a plant in 11th day of flowering I just spotted a brown pest on it, it has a long nose/mouth (whatever it is) it has wings and it doesnt look like a spider mite. it looks like a brown elephant with wings and is small like a normal sewing needle... anyone could help?:wall:
  5. Metanya

    questiong about flowering

    In flowering progress supposly no light is allowed in dark hours, is there a problem that some light can go in from a little gap in my closet? the gap is the door where it closes at, do i have to cover around the door? or i am just turning psycho here? :weed:
  6. Metanya

    ok so what do u guys think?

    can anyone tell me what this is?:weed: the little tiny thing on the stem...that little cone thing... :-o
  7. Metanya

    Can I ?

    Ppl can I flush with boiled water (and wait to get cold) rather than wait for 24 hours ? :shock: plz opinions ty
  8. Metanya

    I need help ppl leaf looks like is getting burned!Can any1 help?

    Hello ppl I think that somethin is wrong with my baby. it looks that this leaf is burned or something but i am 100% sure it didnt touch the light...if anyone can tell me any advice plz do..ty :cry: