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  1. Spetznaaz

    Need some advice about switching to 12/12 and repotting

    Hi, So i have 3 girls, started in 1.5l pots, then to 5l, then i was going to transfer to 10l but discovered they were too big for my setup, so i've gone for 7.5l.. first question is, i am flipping to 12/12 tonight or tomorrow, but i need to pot them up into the 7.5l and i cant leave the veg...
  2. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    Hi, So i have a couple of jars filled, dried for 3 days, chopped then put in jars, humidity was 75+ so they have been in and out of jars untill it went down to 70, this was over about a week period. So i read that you want to get the jars to 70% humidity then open the lid 2 times a day for...
  3. Spetznaaz

    Is This Nute Burn?

    Just wondering if anyone could offer any advice - Got a few girls on the go, and all the fan leaves seem to be going like the one in the picture. It happened like a day or so after watering with 2ml/l of biogrow and 3ml/l of bio bloom. Before this they had only had 1ml/l of each in one...
  4. Spetznaaz

    Safety of venting hot air through old chimney?

    Hi guys, Recently i have been having concerns over my grow room heat production. The grow is in a 2.4 x 1.2 m grow tent with 2 x 600w parabolics, and a 6inch ruck extraction fan with acoustic ducting. At first the hot air was being vented back into the room, but when the second light...
  5. Spetznaaz

    What Exactly 1/4 strength nutes meant?

    Alright guys, I see everyone say start of nutes at 1/4 or 1/2 strength, but my question is this - If on the bottle of bio-bizz i use it says for example, use 2-5ml , would 1/2 strength be half of 2, so i'd give 1ml/l or 1/2 of 5, so i'd give 2.5ml/l? Many thanks
  6. Spetznaaz

    Yellow/Brown spots / Necrosis Please help

    Just wondering if anyone could help me solve this problem with a couple of my plants before it gets worse. They are 2 and a half weeks old and have been given no nutrients yet, although they are starting to yellow on the very first set of leaves so i'm thinking of feeding them next water...
  7. Spetznaaz

    When should i repot?

    Hi Guys, just a quick question; Got some Big Buddha Cheese on the go, they have been in 1.5l pots from seed under a 600w MH and are just over 2 weeks old. I can see a few roots popping out of the bottoms and was just wondering how to tell when the best time to repot is, or how long it is...
  8. Spetznaaz

    Extraction Too Powerful for Tent...

    Recently purchased a budbox xxl and 2 600w mh/hps, the intake i'm using is a cheap budget 4", while the extraction is a ruck 6" 725m3/hour. I don't have the carbon filter yet (which will be a rhino pro filter) and when the tent was closed and everything was on, as soon as the fan powered up...
  9. Spetznaaz

    Major Purple Leaves - what the hell is wrong with her now?

    One of my girls who has been having problems (check out my gd and other threads) has now basically turned purple.. I'll let the pictures do the talking. She is supposed to be 1 week away from harvest.. Anyone have any ideas wtf is going wrong?
  10. Spetznaaz

    One of my girls has very pale/yellowish leaves.. any ideas?

    Hi Guys, Got three easy ryders on the go (link in sig), they have had a stressful life to say the least, and the big one (The one with the problem) has lost many a leaf due to dehydration. She has turned a lot paler/yellower (i'm colour blind so it's hard to tell lol) than the other two...
  11. Spetznaaz

    Easy Ryder 250w CFL Grow - Number 2

    Hi :) This grow has been going for about 3 and a half weeks now but i have only gotten round to starting the grow diary. This will probably be the last grow we do, long story short, my mates gf found out about the grow, the hypocritical... best watch my tongue.. has a problem with it...
  12. Spetznaaz

    When should i start using root juice?

    Hi, I've got 3 easy ryders on the go, they have had one proper water so far and are about 5-6 days old. I have bio bizz root juice but i'm not sure when i should start using it, and how much i should use.. If anyone knows, please let me know :) Cheers
  13. Spetznaaz

    What is the maximum temperature auto flowering strains can be grown at?

    Hi, Started another grow yesterday, same set up as my previous grow, but i looked in there this morning and the temps are 90F and it's not even a particularly hot day, plus the seeds haven't even broken through the soil yet. The strain is easy ryder again, does anyone know what the maximum...
  14. Spetznaaz

    Does it matter if the jar is not full?

    Basically, i ended up buying jars too big for the harvest, the bud only fills the jar about a quarter of the way up. Is this not much of a problem, or do i need to go to Ikea and get a small jar? (i really really can't be fucked, that shop is like a maze!)
  15. Spetznaaz

    10+ weeks into flowering, plants dying, Harvest?

    Hello again :) Basically, me and my mate have been growing 3 easy ryders under cfl's. They were 10 weeks on monday. We harvested the most mature of the three, despite the fact she had hardly any amber trichs but she did have 80+ % brown hairs. The other two have hardly any brown hairs...
  16. Spetznaaz

    Drying too quickly!

    Hi, Harvest one of my plants the other day. trimmed it, hung it upside down in my cupboard and put a small fan in the bottom. So far, they have been in there less than 2 days, and they are already very dry. I've turned the fan off, but i know if they dry to quickly it will ruin the...
  17. Spetznaaz

    Is it time to harvest?

    Hi guys, Been growing easy ryder, week 10 (day 70) was Monday. Two of the plants i definitely don't think are ready, but one of them i am not sure. They all appear to have been stuned and we've had a few problems with ph and lockouts etc. And the heat at the moment is in the 90's.. not...
  18. Spetznaaz

    Urgent help needed. Is this nute burn?

    Hi, Sorry for posting another thread about my plants problems, but i went round to check them yesterday and things had got much worse. Pics are included, it is happening on all plants on the lower leaves. They were put in John Innes no.1 soil which apparently has a lot of nutes, and were...
  19. Spetznaaz

    Yellowish/Brown spots on leaves and necrosis

    Hi, Yet another problem with my plants, some spots have been appearing on the lower leaves and they are getting bigger. There is also some necrosis on the side of the affected leaves. Anyone any idea what this could be? I've done a lot of searching online but have come up with nothing...
  20. Spetznaaz

    How to move a thread..?

    Hi, quick question - I just noticed there is actually a grow diary section and wanted to move my grow diary to it. Anyone know how i would go about doing this? Cheers