Search results

  1. J

    I cant afford a mistake PLEASE HELP

    I am new in that I did a 2000 watt grow some years back with a sealed room and co2. I did not control humidity and lost most of the grow to mold, ignorance and neglect. Now I am close to ready to try again on a smaller scale with a very minimal budget. As of now I have a room “shell” that will...
  2. J

    new room minimal experience

    I am in the process of building a new grow room. As of now I have a 7.5x7.5 foot room with a9 foot sealing, 6 inch of insulation on all walls, under the floor and on the sealing. 2- 1000 watt lights with fully enclosed 6 inch duct hoods 2 -6 inch high volume duct fans and 2 large carbon...
  3. J

    cotton mouth

    I am new to the forum and this will sound a bit strange but I am wanting information on how to grow the worst case of cotton mouth passable. I am a 56 year old disabled male suffering from a severe sinus problem causing continuous sinus drainage and pressure. The side effects are nausea...