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  1. hidesertro

    new & anxious

    This is my second crop, the first was over 20 years ago, pre-internet, so I'm still a newbie but now I have a plethora of info at my finger tips, the more I read the more anxious I get, I'm thinking another week maybe 2, what do you think?
  2. hidesertro

    I'm new here, took these pictures today

    What do you think
  3. hidesertro

    Second time

    Got a bunch of these! !
  4. hidesertro

    prime sunshine r

    I get home from work around 2:00am. I live in a high desert area and right now the temps everyday are triple digits, started flowering a few days ago outdoors. Thru most of the veg state I was able to feed and water at night after work, but now I'm concerned about using my flashlight, I...