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  1. SoccerMomZoey

    Buds in 6th week of flower are "dehydrated"...

    I'm pretty good at researching the answers to my questions before I post like a dumbass just hoping to get advice without doing any work myself..(!!) but I give on this one. My first grow was two plants and this same thing happened to one of those plants, but I couldn't figure out why. Now I see...
  2. SoccerMomZoey

    Wilted completely & bent over...HELP please.

    I have looked for two hours trying to find what has caused this problem and how to fix it, with no luck. I had seedlings growing in a "cloner", made from rubbermaid container with PVC sprayer inside, cool flors, etc. Anyway...for this particular problem, I don't think those details are...
  3. SoccerMomZoey

    Will my SoCal neighbahs please stand up?!

    I recently moved back to SoCal after being away for (gulp) 17 years! God, I know NO ONE!! I know many people are paranoid to say where they live, but those brave ones that live around Southern California's south bay area give a yell! Summer is right around the corner...yea-I keep telling myself...
  4. SoccerMomZoey

    California Law...those that actually know please...

    I'm really sorry about sounding like a hater with that title, but everyone has an opinion, or what they "think" the answer is. I've already got quite a few of those answers from friends, family, etc. I'm new to RIU, but so far most people seem to be very educated and supportive, so I'm hoping...
  5. SoccerMomZoey

    "yield" description query

    (****sorry, I accidently posted this as a reply at newbie central...wasn'y paying attention, happens!) it's been like 20 or so (gulp...can't believe I'm admitting to that!) years since I've done this...memory seems to be a little rusty on some of the finer points! Plus, I don't...