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  1. rumpelstonedkin

    mulch debris on plants

    I had some Santa Ana's rip through here and had a pile of grass clippings composting near my plants. Well, the mulch blew all over my sticky plants and they got tarred and feathered so to speak. I plan to deal with this upon harvest. Here are my ideas. Any advice from experience is much...
  2. rumpelstonedkin

    Smart Pots

    Anyone tried drilling holes around the sides of a 5 gallon plastic pot for aeration?
  3. rumpelstonedkin


    What do you think? Male?
  4. rumpelstonedkin

    Just three plants

    In Cali with a prescription. Growing just three plants outdoors in yard (two are sativa trees tho). If someone really wanted to see them they could. Should I worry about law enforcement?
  5. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    Neville's Haze growing outdoors, from seed, sprouted in late April. Made the soil myself of compost, rice hulls, and perlite. Watered daily on drip. No nute schedule (I rely on the compost during the veg stage), I ask them what they need and they usually tell me. I've applied an organic tea...