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  1. smartmouth

    Lemon Haze Auto by Emerald Triangle seeds.

    5 Lemon Haze Auto (LHA) seeds were germinated on 5/2/14 The seedlings were started under CFL for a few weeks then moved to a 400w HPS. Plants are in 25 litre dirt pots with a 50/50 compost to perlite mix. Plants feed is 1/1/2 Tomato plant feed, 5litres every 3 days. Plants were finally moved...
  2. smartmouth

    Lemon Haze Auto Emerald tri seeds, flash babylon auto, obsession photo and a freebie

    Lemon Haze Autos LHA 4 in a 90x90x180 secret jardin tent. Running 400w hps 24/7 (I give it the odd night off once a week if plants look stressed). Seeds were from Im just over a month in and the plants are looking well. Few points, I have no carbon filter at the...