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  1. bigBlunt25

    Early flowering Diamond line madness.

    So I put the plant out on april 1st str8 from 24 hour light indoor thinking I would get a head start but it started flowering and still is, i think . How can I tell if its reverting to veg or still flowering it looks to be flowering to me.:?:
  2. bigBlunt25

    right track curing?

    When can you tell if your cure is going good? I have two mason jars with white widow in them for 5 vdays now and the smell is nothing to brag about . I open the jars twice a day I put them in when the outside was dry .:bigjoint:
  3. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    buds from 1 plant been drien 4 days is this good bad ok or what I CAAN HAANDLE THE THRUTH.
  4. bigBlunt25

    Bud Growth

    This is my first grow to maturity. I was wondering how much more do the buds grow the last weeks of flower? I am 6 weeks into whats sems to be mostly sativa plant I just want to know what kind of yeild to expect.:?:
  5. bigBlunt25

    how much?

    :leaf:How much bigger do buds get after 4-5 weeks sativa on average? White Widow (amsterdam marijuana seeds).:leaf:
  6. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    How to add peroxide if you have root rot 25 gallon soil container
  7. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    4th or 5th week in flowering and my damn leaves are starting to yellow droop die and fall off. starting at bottom working up.
  8. bigBlunt25

    Cloning question

    I have a single clone in some wet sand in a little container sitting on a heater pad with flouros. Should I use the heater pad?
  9. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!! I think they have a good cheap system from what I see on the web site. heck it out and get back with me.:-P
  10. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!! I think they have good prices on there system check it out and tell me what you think.:-P
  11. bigBlunt25

    Triming lower budsites

    Does trimming lower limbs and leaves really improve overall yeild. Ihave did this today on the word of someone but i really didnt want to tell me I did the right thing or not.:?:
  12. bigBlunt25

    Best taste like strain

    I want to know what you guys think is the best blueberry bubblegum etc.
  13. bigBlunt25

    The best strain

    What is the best yielding strains for growing indoor from people who have grown it or saw first hand. Info on how you grew would also be beneficial to me and others thanks.:?:
  14. bigBlunt25

    Grape Kush

    Is anyone growing this strain? I was cosidering this for my next grow. If you have smoked please do tell, or if you have grown please do show.
  15. bigBlunt25

    Hash cost

    I soak everything in golden grain alchohol ,strain off and boil down. How muchdo you charge for this type of hash. It taste great and smells great.
  16. bigBlunt25


    Man I am dieng to know how big my buds will get. Its about 2 weeks into flower the buds are about the size of an acorn.I am wondering how they will grow maybe this is a dumb question but .......:weed:
  17. bigBlunt25


    I left the light on in the room, not the grow light but the ceiling light. What should I do ,possible problems?
  18. bigBlunt25

    so many toppps!!!!

    I have a plant that I lst'd to create many tops say 32. Does this mean 32 tiny buds . What im asking is if the same palnt had four tops would it be close to the same amount of weed , just bigger buds . curious
  19. bigBlunt25

    what you think i could get off THIS!!!!

    Growing what is supposed to be white widow from amsterdam marijuana seeds . I have it in soil in a 20-25 gallon pot .I am using 400 wat hps . fert for bloom will be miracle grow bloom booster. The picture you see ww is about 1 week into flower if that . Any comments at all but them main one Im...
  20. bigBlunt25

    how does this look

    white widow Lst grow any advice or tips appreciated