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  1. Backwoodz

    Help Needed with yellowing issues. DWC.

    Greets all Im getting some yellowing issues, I was thinking it looked like a calcium or magnesium issue. I'm thinking maybe it is because I made the ph sit at 6.1 to long, from doing some online reseach a ph of 5.8 is when the plants take up the most calcium and magnesium? Any help is much...
  2. Backwoodz

    Flowering Help

    Hey guys and gals im going into my first week of flowering and wanted to know what level my PH should be? Also ive herd that when you start your 3rd week of flowering you should increase the amount of nutes the label says to use, is this true? Appreciate any help...
  3. Backwoodz

    Nute burn Or Heat Stress??

    Hey can someone give me a hand figuring out if this is caused by heat stress or nute burn thanks. Using a 400W MH about 17 inches above the tops..
  4. Backwoodz

    Can you plz help me diagnose this problem

    Hi guys and gals got some plants 3 weeks in veg but one of them are showing these rust spots,only on 3 leafs, it was a lower smaller leaf at first now it spread too 2 of the bigger leafs, im using nutes at 70% of my full dosage under a 400W MH. PH at 5.5 -5.8 water only when medium is dry which...
  5. Backwoodz

    Should I transplant?

    :leaf:Hi guys & gals, im a newbie and wanted to know if i should transplants these plants into bigger pots, if not when should i transplant them to avoid root bound? Its about 2 weeks, already started to give nutes. Blueberry & Hindu Kush, 400W HM. Give Thanks for any responds..