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  1. B

    Ruderalis strains?

    so i hear that some strains are bred with ruderalis for auto flowering.. does that affect the quality of the bud... cuz i thought ruderalis was used for industrial hemp.
  2. B

    outdoor force floweing

    is it possible to force flower outdoors? id figure if u just put a box over it from 7pm-7am it should start flowering right? and if u did this could you return it to vegging?
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    Porland Grow

    Does any1 know what the conditions are for growing in portland oregon. i heard it rains alot. if your from there itd be cool to hear about potential problems. thanks
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    Outdoor Irrigation

    I am planning on growing outdoors this next growing season. and i am trying to figure out the best watering system for about 25-30 plants. Carrying water would be way too much of a hassle so i had an irrigation idea. When scouting for a grow spot try to put it semi close to a river or stream or...