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  1. edit89

    Does my plant look OK? PICS

    This is my fist grow ever. It is a feminized Lowryder 2 and is 44 days old. It gets 2 30w fluorescent tubes 20 hours on 4 off. I'm basically looking for any helpful advice, being such a noob. Such as, Does it look way too small? How much yield should I expect? Thanks for the help in advance
  2. edit89

    Lowryder 2, 13 days old, Leaf gone brown. Need Help Pls

    Hi, This is my first grow and first post. I've read a lot off the internet but apart from that I'm a total noob when it comes to growing. My feminized Lowryder 2 is 13 days old and under 2 30 watt flourecent strip lights in a well ventilated closet. She is planted in Miracle Grow potting...