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  1. thefirstissoon

    Here's my nute schedule what do you's think works for me ;)

    hi guys, currently growing in coco, heres my nute schedule, per 60 litres, what do you's think?
  2. thefirstissoon

    Predator vs predator???

    right ill make this short and sweet, just gt a new grow room, and ended up with some nasty clones and now have thrips and spider mites!!! if i buy 2000 of Phytoseiulus for the spider mites and 50 sachets of Amblysieus Cucumeris for the thrips would they fight each other insted of...
  3. thefirstissoon

    2000watt grow 18 blues, handling the runoff???????

    hi guys, just about to go into flowering when my lights 2x 1000watt xxxl magnums come 2moro, im growing 18 blue cheese 4th week of veg in xxl budbox, im growing in coco and when i first watered in the tent there was alot of water left to get the runoff i wanted. first grow in coco by the way...