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  1. D

    my timer has 2 prongs input, my 6 cfls are wired to 3 prong ext cord

    my timer has 2 prongs input, my 6 cfls are wired to 3 prong ext cord I usually do my lights by hand every 12 hours, same time daily... im out of town for a few days, I'll have someone trustworthy checking in to water it but i'll have to use a timer for the lights. I Have 6 CFLs wired...
  2. D

    started flower on the 22nd .. when should i expect to be able to sex

    So I started flowering cycle on the 22nd. Its been about 5 days yet and they did have a growth spurt so far I havent seen any sexing yet... whats the normal timeframe?
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    What if a flowering plant doesnt get 12/12

    Alright, what if a flowering plant doesnt get 12/12, maybe it gets 11.5/12.5, or 11.5/12 /12/12 etc How bad would this be
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    Magnification to see trichromes, how much?

    How much magnification do I need to be able to see trichromes definitively?
  5. D

    18 days old, when should i start flower?

    Attached pics of my first attempt... 2 different plants at 18 days old. Organic soil and no nutes. 6 CFL bulbs for them. I dont need a huge yield, anywhere over a quarter up to an ounce is good, how much longer should i wait to flower?