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  1. R

    Ballast fire

    Hi guys I had a ballast go up and in order to sort out the room had to put plants in spare room with a blind they have not had 12 12 I put them in there on a Saturday and will have them back under 12 12 on Tuesday will this cause any problems. They odviously have heat stress to the top of the...
  2. R

    can you tell what it is yet

    Guys i have no idea everything running smoothly then this appears see pic. In coco ph 5.6 5.8 ec 1.6 this is the highest canna a and b tiny bit of cal mag week 4 of flower it only appears on the top of the plant has worked a little way down since start So guys what is it how do i respond to...
  3. R

    Not seen before

    Hi Guys ill keep it short and sweet growing in coco ph between 5.6 and 5.8 the ec has been gradually moved up and the issue started at ec 1.6. They are 4 weeks into flowering and only at the top the leaf tips are curling up and going rusty also and i have not seen this before down the leaves...
  4. R

    npk 13 14

    The owner of my local shop informed me that i could use this from day 21 flowering right upto the flushing stage at half strength has anyone got any experience of this.
  5. R

    Roots out the bottom of

    Never used autopots before but the roots are coming out of the bottom and turning brown dying etc is this normal cheers guys
  6. R

    keeping the grow going

    Hi Guys What would be the best way to keep a continuous grow going under these circumstances. 8 plants under 2 lights and 1 room. The best i can come up with is to take 8 or so cuttings 1 week into flower lets say they take 10 days or so to root i then put them under a fluroscent in a cupboard...
  7. R

    Best proven resource site for growing

    Hi Guys Without wanting to offend anyone its becoming apparent that asking a question on here results in someone answering it, someone else calling them a moron etc and offering a different opinion then another ten people chiming in with another ten different answers each one contradicting the...
  8. R

    600w mh and 600w hps

    Very simple will the yield improve using a 600mh for veg and then change to 600 hps for flower as opposed to using the same one for veg and flower cheers guys
  9. R

    seedlings underside of leaf darkening

    Hi Guys I have three seedlings 11 days old they have been in propagator for 11 days humidity 80 and temps between 20 and 23 max mainly 20. I have noticed the underside of the leafs on all of them are turning dark and on one it is showing on the top of the leaves. I have kept ph at about 6.2...
  10. R

    Handy hints hand watering

    Hi Guys Does anybody have any ideas how i can hand water plants inside a tent without having to take them, i appreciate i could put them in a saucer and wait for plant to drain before emptying however this is a bit of a pain. I was wondering if there are stands that could support the pots as...
  11. R

    hand watering v autopots

    Hi Guys very briefly i am considering moving to autopots from hand watering, i was wondering if the environment was optimal would autopots yield more than handwatering cheers
  12. R

    mixing drying then curing

    Hi Guys There coming upto 3 days drying but humidity has been low 30 to 40 and the small buds are very dry on the outside im thinking to cure them for a bit to release moisture from inside and then put them back drying is there anything that can go wrong, was thinking bout 6 hours curing then...
  13. R

    can mould spread from flowering plant to vegging plant

    As the title suggests really, i have two young plants sharing a space with flowering plants that have developed mould, could the spores lay dormant on the young plant. cheers
  14. R

    is it possible

    Hi guys I noticed mould on 2 buds last night im only a few days from harvest so i did it today. The plants have been trimmed, even breaking the colas up, i noticed 2 more buds had been infected. The rest of the plants are hanging up drying in 40rh and between 74 and 78dc they have an...
  15. R

    noticed mould 3 to 6 days to harvest

    Hi guys I am a few days from harvest and have found mould on 2 buds on 2 different plants should i keep an eye and wait it out or do i chop tomorrow, cheers
  16. R

    Final flush too soon

    Basically guys i thought there was about 7-10 days left so i did final flush 3x pot sizes ph'd plain water, it now looks like there is 20 days. My question is can i feed them nutes for a week and then flush again or anything else. Cheers
  17. R

    seedlings 12 12

    Hi guys, like an idiot i have left my newly germinated seedlings in the flowering room for 12 days on 12-12 i have now adjusted to 18-6. Will this do any harm or am i ok to proceed as normal. Cheers in advance