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  1. M

    Trimming...trim!?! (early smoking...anxious grower)

    So I have nothing decent to smoke, and I am waiting on the last weeks of flowering (the part where the bud starts getting denser), and I see these beautiful small leaves covered in trichlomes (the trim, the small leaves around the buds), and although my instincts tell me that it cannot do the...
  2. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Say you have a 400W HPS, and you have six plants. If you were to veg those plants for a month or month and a half, you would have six plants ready to flower. What if instead of putting them to flower all at once, you change it up for them? While three of them get their 12 hours of light, the...
  3. M

    Is it Enough?

    Hello there, I have a question...I have five plants, which are about 2 weeks old, only two sets of leaves each. I own two 220W HPS, but currently have them under one of them, instead of the two. Is that okay, or would it be more benefitial to have them both on? If not, how long should I wait...
  4. M

    To Light or Not to Light?

    Hi, I've recently bought some feminized seeds from Nirvana, all five have happily sprouted, and are growing under a 20W CFL at the moment, until I get my hands on some real lighting. Some people will be astonished, I know that is nothing. But the plant is only three days old, so no...
  5. M

    If your parents conceived you blazed out of their minds...

    ...and your mom smoked :weed: through all of your development in her womb, would you reckon you'd be any different?
  6. M

    Smoking and Gingko Tea

    So, here I am drinking some Gingko tea, which supposedly helps your circulation (including your brain's) aiding, therefore, your memory. Since I am baked most of the time, my short term memory sucks, and my long term isn't all that reliable. Anyway, I saw the tea the other day at a supermarket...
  7. M

    I'm going on a long trip...

    Tomorrow I'm going on an 8 hour trip. Of course, before taking the bus, I'm going to get really stoned so I'll sleep the whole way. The thing is, it's WAY too damn long and I'll probably have to toke in the middle of the trip, which is kind of a problem. Would it be too risky to smoke in the...