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  1. kingofshiba

    Auto Speed Bud - Female Seeds

    Hi all, I wasn't planning to make a grow journal using this strain but have changed my mind and decided to halfway through. These strain was choosen as I wanted a fast finishing strain just to keep the tent in use whilst I waited for my Lemon Kush mothers to mature which were germanted the week...
  2. kingofshiba

    NFT Super Iced Grapefruit - by Female Seeds

    Hi Guys, After my last grow with autoflowers (here if you missed it ) I'm back again, this time with some Super Iced Grapefruit by Female Seeds. The seeds for the mothers were planted at the start of the last...
  3. kingofshiba

    How to get more wattage in your garden without the electric company getting involved.

    Ok.. just had a bit of a brainwave.. plenty of us would love to add more wattage/lights to our grows but don't in fear of the electric company/police getting suspicious.. I would go as far as to say this is the main factor in people not wanting to expand their grows. So we need extra power but...
  4. kingofshiba

    What plants and herbs are similar enough to share NFT system?

    Hi all, I'm in the process of building a multi level nft system for the purpose of growing vegetables and herbs.. there will be two different reservoirs both with different runs. So my question is what herbs and vegetables have such similar nutrient requirements that they could be run off the...
  5. kingofshiba

    NFT Auto Bubble - Autoflower by Female Seeds

    Decided to restart this journal as I made a mess of the other one. I'm currently about 8 weeks in. So here goes :mrgreen: Seeds: The seeds are Auto Bubble by Female Seeds. An autoflowering version of bubblegum.. it's my first time doing an autoflower and I'm looking forward to the results...
  6. kingofshiba

    Why is stretching bad? What does tighter nodes achieve?

    Just wanted hear peoples opinions on stretching, and why/if its bad. Surely if the plant stretches this gives potential for the main cola to be bigger?? I have 10 plants (autoflowers) from seed going atm.. always used cuttings before so they've been uniform.. but the short squat plants look like...
  7. kingofshiba

    What caused these leaves to go this way? Help diagnosing please!!

    Hi, Just a couple of photos of leaf problems I've had over the last couple of weeks and I was hoping you guys could point out what the causes where, for future reference. The first lot are in soil, I put this down to overfeeding.. is that correct? New growth is curled up and very bright...
  8. kingofshiba

    Auto Bubble - Female Seeds

    Hi everybody! This is my first time growing autoflowers.. decided to fill the NFT kits with some feminized autoflowering plants whilst waiting for the Super Iced Grapefruit mother to grow big enough for cuttings. Decided upon Auto Bubble from Female Seeds. They were left in a glass of water...
  9. kingofshiba

    Hi guys.. new here.. how do I start a grow journal?

    I'm new round here, picked up some good advice from reading through these forums before and have finally got round to signing up. Interested in starting a grow journal but can't find the link to create one? Can anyone point us in the right direction please? :) Thanks