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  1. vandals145

    2 weeks into aerogarden flower, Curling leaves and browning spots.

    Its exactly 2 weeks and 3 days into flowering my 4 plants. The only problem is a few days ago i noticed (seen in pictures) That my Hindu Kush's leaves at the top cola near the buds are starting to look like they are curling down and under and they are turning light green and loosing their full...
  2. vandals145

    Brown Spots on my Jack!

    My Jack herer has all these brown spots. What is this? Ive heard a mag def, but im not sure. Its weird all the other plants around her dont have them, only my jack herer. What is this and how can i fix it?
  3. vandals145

    My First Grow EVER! Agarden and Agarden hood

    well im off to a late start about a week about on the 1st i started to finally get my aerogarden into check. I got two for the price of one by searching my area on So my set up is: 9/01/08 - one AG used as supposed too 1 Super Jack clone...