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  1. B

    anybody help me?? leaves going brown at ends and dying

    Can somebody please tell me wants up with my plant? Thanks in advance
  2. B

    2 dinafem cheese....250w hps....advanced nutrients

    Just thought I'd give a grow journal a go so here it is :-) I've started 2 cheese by dinafem I germinated them 27/10/13 I left them in a glass of water for 24 hours then popped them into there pots. They sprouted on the 30/10/13 and are currently 1 week old today I've had a slight problem...
  3. B

    second grow dinafem cheese....leaves drooping on seedling please help??!!??!!??!!

    Hi I'm growing 2 cheese by dinafem but the leaves have just started drooping on them today they are 1 week old seedlings....they are been grown under john innes no 1 mixed with 30% perlite...I have them on 18/6...the lights are about 1.5 ft away from the temps are...
  4. B

    wats up with my plants????

    Any idea what's up with these plants???
  5. B

    leaves curling

    Why are my leaves curling slightly ? They are 8 days old now...the lighting system is a 250w hps I have a fan on 18 hours a day...the temps are between 22...25 c any ideas people?
  6. B

    250w hps with 2 close should the lamp be to the plants

    250w hps with 2 close should the lamp be to the plants