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  1. tfru

    Interesting lighting question

    So... my little cabinet isn't so tall. I was wondering if I could just (when it comes time for flowering) just leave the HPS standing vertically. Anyone ever tried this?
  2. tfru

    White Ice!

    I just got back from Amsterdam with some White Label White Ice seeds, 10 of them, that I bought from the marijuana museum in the red light district. I have one plant that i decided to grow and its about 9 days old (i think, can't remember) under a 150 W florescent bulb in my cubbard. Soil is...
  3. tfru

    cotyledon leaves dying/ yellowing

    Here's a picture...tell me whats wrong... its 17 inches from a 150W HPS lamp. Soil. Just miracle grow as a nute and a week into flowering.
  4. tfru

    Hope for a leaf problem diagnosis

    I don't know whats wrong with the leaves or the plant. It is like 12 inches away from a 150W HPS lamp.
  5. tfru


    My plant is like 2 weeks old and i come home and its just lying down on the side of the pot. Answers?
  6. tfru

    planting seeds

    Should you have the little white thing facing up or down?
  7. tfru

    planting sprouts

    Ok i germinated and i planted my sprouts. Should i put normal 18/6 light on them or keep them in the dark?
  8. tfru


    What the hell are they exactly? haha
  9. tfru

    Nirvana Shop

    I ordered some seeds like 3 weeks ago and I get a package from nirvana with a free wallet, whats the deal here?
  10. tfru

    Sprout transplant problem!

    I'm new to this so I'm really confused. I started off with some seeds i got from a friend. I put them in some pots with other plants outside a few weeks ago and they sprouted a short time later. I transplanted two of them into two empty coffee jars with new soil. I watered them right away, which...