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  1. eric711

    everybody look please

    what is all this growing on the top of my plant? it looks like male buds but it shouldnt be flowering for another month atleast.
  2. eric711

    humidity question

    so im from tn and the humid climate has me a little worried i was wondering the best ways to keep buds from getting damaged by humidity any help would be great.
  3. eric711

    Any TN Toker????

    anyone from tn hit me up i hate this place and im always looking for something to do maybe someone can show me the good part of tn if there is any.
  4. eric711

    look at this!

    so this is my oldest plant this season i started it aug. 16th and i put it outside when it was three weeks old ive been feeding with fish emulsion food and some worm castings. im using and organic soil and the plants in a 3 1/2 gal. bucket. i feed it about every 3 or 4 days depending if it rains...
  5. eric711

    my plant aka "the first lady" whats wrong??

    idk whats wrong it was transplanted a week ago idk if that did it or the nutes is to much or not enough or it could be the 94 degree heat. anyone know my problem????????:confused:
  6. eric711

    first time grower 2 weeks into the fun

    So i just started this plant i had from a dro seed i found(omg dro with a seed!!) and i started it 18 days ago. it seems to be doing fine but today the lower leaves turned to a lighter green. its been going on a 24 hour light cycle its indoors and ive been watering it with plain water so far...