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  1. R

    PH problems, how much more time?

    Hi All, I am nearing the end of my first grow I have one plant with 7 23w clfs, 2700ks, a couple fans, humidity is around 40-50 (sometimes lower) during day and 70-80 at night. temps stay below 28-29C all times down to 20 at night. Never really spent alot on on dirt or nuts, using 15-30-15...
  2. R

    Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves

    Hey All first time poster here, I am about 4 weeks into my first grow with a small grow box. everything has been going good, I started before the box was exactly ready and just added 2 more hanging cfl's to the mix (i have 4 5000K and 2 2700K 1600 lumen bulbs). I just noticed this morning...