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  1. B

    GARLIC the answer?

    The old head growers in my fam have been tellingly garlic is the solution to all pests. Has anyone ever used this method? Im going to cut up some pieces of garlic and put them around my baby's when I get home and see how effective it is. Just wanna know if anyone ever heard of this
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    Pennsylvania growers

    Wasup ya'll I live in a part of Pennsylvania where there's alot of old mine shafts and the dirt and soil in the woods by me is very dry rotted shitty soil .. I wanna grow outdoors this upcoming spring however I have a few questions. I plan on laying alot of soil would I be able to get some...
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    Strains that bring in the loot

    Im thinking about gettin balls deep in some plans for next growing season and im looking for the strains that yield the most potential bud with a good all around quality. I live in Pennsylvania so something that will work swell with the climate as well. Fill me with your knowledge please &...
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    A few months ago one of my close friends came to me with an extremly cheap large quanity of hits that he called "mescalin" After researching i found out that mescalin is impossible to put onto paper hits. But the way all of the people i was giving it to described it came back positive on DOB...
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    Growing quanity outdoors.

    Been thinking about growing a field for quite some time now 15-30 plants. So over the winter im going to buy a few books and self educate myself as best i could on the do's/ don'ts of growing quanity outdoors. But what i'm looking for is some quality advice and answers in a few categories? How...