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  1. OgKushPusha

    First Indoor Grow, Need Suggestions

    Whats up everyone, First indoor grow and im using: Soil: FFoF Lights: CFL's (Plenty of Watts) Nutes: Big Bloom Grow Space: Closet Temp Avg: 75 Degrees Fan: Osculating The plant is about 4-5 Weeks old and is pretty short im guessing i had the light real close to the top of the plant. Anyways...
  2. OgKushPusha

    Help With Deficiency Needed

    Hi Guys, Looks like I have a mild deficiency but not sure what it is or how to bring it back to life, It smells so damn good and I'd hate to lose it but the Def is getting worse as the weeks go by. Im using the most expensive Miracle Gro and I believe it is too strong, so I'm getting a pH Meter...
  3. OgKushPusha

    New Growing 3rd Week and 1 Day Hows she Looking?

    Hey Everyone, I'm on my first grow and about 3 Weeks and 1 day into the Veg stage. Shes looking pretty good, just a few brown spots, not sure why though, but i do have a bottle of Fox Farm's "Big Bloom" but when should I start using this? It says you can use it through the Veg stage but I...
  4. OgKushPusha

    Fox Farm Trio Questions!

    Thinking if bidding on this foreal, but will this work? Anyone tried this stuff?
  5. OgKushPusha

    First Week of Growing, (Day 6) Does this look normal?

    Whats up everyone? Looks as if i have a little lady here stretching for light maybe? or maybe i need to go ahead and transplant to a big pot and plant deeper? This may be normal im not positive but just want to be safe rather than sorry haha. Thanks for looking! Any Advice would be sweet
  6. OgKushPusha

    Few Things Needed Still, Need Advice , First Grow

    Whats up everyone? I've recently (Last Week) finalized germination and got the seeds planted in their own "Solo" Cups and they now have long stems, pretty firm, haven't used ANY nutes yet and am debating on getting the Fox Farm Trio, Anyone have good outcomes with this trio? I've heard "Ok"...
  7. OgKushPusha

    Lighting Question and Suggestions Needed

    I'm fairly new to growing but pretty knowledgeable, i have done my homework but every grower is different and i understand there are a lot of different strategies, but as of now I'm in the veg stage i have 2 plants each in their own solo cups been growing for about 4 days now and both have the 4...