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  1. C

    Cuttings growing but no roots!!

    I took cuttings from my cheese plant about 2 months ago, i used rooting powder and tried two methods one lot in just water the other in soil and perlite. The Ones in soil have rooted been re-potted and are now in flower and doing really well, the ones in water are flowering but have still not...
  2. C

    How do i take cuttings from my plant?

    Hi can anyone help? should i take some cuttings from my plant? shes growing really well after a re-pot and im just wondering if i should do some cuttings? if possible? or should i just leave well alone.? heres a few pics... if i do do cuttings? how would i go about doing it? where do i cut and...
  3. C

    not very well

    Hi im such a newbie, I have/had a beautiful plant she was born feb (given by a friend and supposed to be a cheese variety ) grew real big real quick havent used anylights just natural light in south facing bathroom, and feed with a plant food regular ( grown in normal everyday compost). A friend...