Search results

  1. D

    3 day vacation

    I'm going to be gone from friday to sunday and my plants will not be tended to. I plan on watering them right before I leave, but will they survive that long without it? Freshly sprouted out of the ground, so they are YOUNG, which is why I am concerned.
  2. D

    Dire Emergency!!

    So my baby plants, and i mean baby like only a week out of the ground, were mauled by a vicious armadillo :cuss:last night. So they are destroyed, or so i thought! I found this one (picture below) and the root is still strong but i dont know how recent the attack happened. I need to know if...
  3. D

    resin IS man's best friend

    HIGH AS HELL right now off of resin. Anyone else enjoy resin or just me? ive personally smoked a resin blunt before, twas awesome
  4. D

    First time growing

    What's up rollitup forum! I'm new here as a member, but not as an avid reader. I've been an everyday toker since i was 15, (6 years ago) but I'm ready to step up and grow. I live in the boondocks, closest town is 20 minutes and closest neighbor is a mile away, and they're family. I have a...