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  1. Cannbosh

    grow tent disaster

    Is this nute burn or could this be heat problem? grow in sig:wall:
  2. Cannbosh

    Nuting for hydro

    Do i have to mix nutes in with water each day or can i nute 10L and leave it for 4-5 days for my watering system to feed? does this cause problems or anything?
  3. Cannbosh

    Fucked up over night

    I left the house for 2 days and my grow has gone to shit, i dont know wether its the heat and the fan on (which a was told to do to sort humidity till i get dehumid) or what happened but something went really wrong LOL i dont think its nutes becuase i've been using the same nutes and everything...
  4. Cannbosh

    Will these bottle clones make it?

    I cloned these last minute 3 weeks ago in flowering and put them in bottles with tape around them with 18/6 low light i just wondered if they will be ready in a week or 2,3? no roots are showing is this just it changing into veg?
  5. Cannbosh

    Yellowing and confirmed dead?

    Hey guys, so i started my new hydro feeding a few days ago and im seeing a bit of yellowing on the plant, following this guide all default settings . also one of the plants that my light fell on snapped i think died? Pic #2 can someone just confirm its...
  6. Cannbosh

    Night temp and humidity

    Is it ok for my tent to be at 15C and 80-90humidity at night with no light no fan or can this be stressful?
  7. Cannbosh


    Using a small plug in heater in a tent with plants wont harm anything or cause problems will it?? hot sticky smell coming from the tent after heater is turned off
  8. Cannbosh

    Just pics of new hydrofeed and setup

    Just some pics of my grow and new setup, support broke for light so had to chain it up, put in a new hydro feed on 15 mins a day giving it 1/2 a litre a day, and moved my water bottle clones in the other tent. Grow in signature
  9. Cannbosh


    I was thinking of expanding my grow by adding more lights and space, i currently use 4x600w which is 2400w, i was just wondering whats the limit i should use per property to stay off the radar in the UK (all other problems are ok like heat ect) was told it was 3000 but im not sure?
  10. Cannbosh


    I was told to buy a camera (Digital) so that pictures couldn't be tracked in any way, anyone know a good quality cheap camera like this?
  11. Cannbosh

    Snapped tops will survive?

    My heavy 600w light fell on my plants and snapped the tops about 5 inches from the top, not completly off but still snapped ive used bamboo to try and starighten them out, should i snap it off or will it be ok?
  12. Cannbosh

    Feeding time

    I'm just to start a drip feed system on a timer, apparently it doesnt make much difference but whats the best time to have it feeding?
  13. Cannbosh

    Bottle clone now

    My clones died...So i'm trying to put the clones in bottle? does this look right, all i did was cut it and put in water under 18/6
  14. Cannbosh

    Are my clones dead?

    Can someone tell me if they're dead or not? someone said i was panicking but they look pretty dead to me? and rather not waste elctric
  15. Cannbosh

    Confused about cloning

    Do i clone a fan leaf or one that looks like its growing new leaves? becuase i've cloned the ones that look like its growing new leaves
  16. Cannbosh

    What am i doing wrong :(

    humidity at 70%, its under a heated matt, rockwell cubes and dipped in clonex, please help
  17. Cannbosh

    New grow location

    I am right in saying that if i am buying a flat (fully paying) i can just set up a grow with tents and what not?
  18. Cannbosh

    !!HELP!! Clones dying :(

    Please help my clones are dying again, i cut them a few hours ago misted it and left it, could it be that the rockwell was damp ? should i put it in new ones?
  19. Cannbosh

    Have i cloned correctly?

    I have taken cuttings of my main babies, put them in clonex and then into pre wet rockwell cubes, i then sprayed with a little water on the leaves and closed the dome set 18/6, have i done this all right?
  20. Cannbosh

    Epsom salt question

    Epsom salt i think it is called, is used to fix a mg and cal problem,how long will it last for? i have a tank 100L and was thinking about filling it up with 90L and leaving the cycle on if i mix in the right amount of salt at the start (when i put the 90L in) will it be throughout the whole...