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  1. ChillyLizard

    When do you chop yours?

    When do you chop yours? When the lights first come on? Middle of the day? End of the day? Opinions please.
  2. ChillyLizard

    Mini-Vert Mk. 1

    A while back I built a growbox for flowering. My intent was to grow a sog or at least a couple staggered harvests together. Aside from the first batch stretching all the way to the overhead due to underpowered lighting, it's worked out well. I replaced the 250 hps I had in the box with a 400 and...
  3. ChillyLizard

    My "Big" Box

    Long on labor. Short on stealth. To keep me in smoke and let me keep my wealth. To avoid that screwed but never kissed feeling I get every time I pick up a happy sack I decide to build my own growbox. I think I've looked at every diy cab/growbox on the net. I've seen alot of really clean and...
  4. ChillyLizard

    First Cloning Attempt

    I took my first batch of cuttings last weekend. I decided to experiment a little and hedge my bets at the same time by putting some in my diy bubbler and the rest into my humidity chamber. The cuttings in the humidity chamber drooped like mad for the first few days but then came around. The...
  5. ChillyLizard

    Is that you? Is this me?

    Greetings one and all. I've been lurking here for a while now, getting ideas and such. Since I replied to that silly kid asking for ideas on how to screw over his mother I figured I might as well go ahead and introduce myself. Hi! This is me, I think. I've been growing for about 10 years on and...