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  1. danvan420

    Bong/Pipe smoking accesory help!!

    has anyone ever bought a bong or pipe online? i have some freinds that tried it.. i dont know what website but tehy got ripped off and i read on the net that there are alot of scams out there... anyone know a reliable pipe shop website... i wanna spend the money but i dont want to get ripped...
  2. danvan420

    Strange Growth on buds.

    ok.. i couldnt get a good picture of this wierd growth i got going on but basically i have my main true buds (on top) and they look they are starting to push out new true buds out of the middle of the current true buds. hope that made sense. like when you look at your plants from over the top...
  3. danvan420

    Drying/Curing Smaller buds

    Hey guys. my frined across the way just harvested his bud. it has been drying for about a week and the big buds are still not ready but all the little buds lighter size are dried up pretty good. are these ready to go in curing jars? he wanted to try it out and i told him about curing. can we...
  4. danvan420

    **Hermie Info Needed**

    Hey guys so I have 3 Hermie beauties and they mostly female for sure! huge hairy buds. Every once and while i come across a few balls and nanners and i have been verry good about clean up. My Question is for those with experience in Hermies and Seed Producers. As long as i keep rubbing the...
  5. danvan420


    i have 3 plants and they are all hermi. i been good about picking off the balls n what not but now i have these things growing out like bunches of bannanas where the balls would usually form. are these nanners? do nanners grow in clusters? i would post a pic but i dont have good enough cam...
  6. danvan420

    ***Hey guys! I have some questions about Curing/Drying Process.***

    OK i have read up tons on drying and curing and i get the joist of it. however... is curing totally necessary? can i just dry my bud and then smoke it? i got 3 plants for personal use nearing the end of flower and i just need to know if i can just dry them and smoke them. don't be a hater.. i...
  7. danvan420

    FLowering Help!! lighting!!

    OK so i got my babes on 12 12 for 5 and a half weeks now and this morning i turned the lights off an hour and a half late.. what do i do?? is this very bad? can i turn my lights on the usual scheduled 9? or should i wait till 1030? i was told any change in hours of lighting would put my plant...
  8. danvan420


    Hey guys I was told/read that any disturbance by light in the plants dark cycle is bad.. what does bad mean? i couldnt find anything on what happens if so. they beenflowerin for about 2 weeks and i just sexed them today. out of 4 so far i got 2 females!! anyway... there were 2 incidences where...
  9. danvan420

    What is this Bulge on my plant??

    this pic isnt of my plant but my plant has the same shit going on... just the bulge.. no hairs no nothing just that strange bulge and im near a week and a half into flowering. plants are 1 month and 3 weeks old. its on all my plants... whats goin on pleas help!
  10. danvan420

    Watering help!!

    Hey guys, does one have to start watering more once you begin flowering? what are sigins that i give them to little. I have 4 plants about month and a day old started flowering 5 days ago. I give them each 2 cups of water every otherday. medium/bright colored green but no yellow. I think they...
  11. danvan420

    *First Official Indoor CFL Grow*

    Hey Everybody!! I have started a few other threads for questions and info and such but this thread is for my grow with updated pics from 2 weeks ago to present i will update pics every Monday. All Friendly comments/conversation welcome!! Wish me luck!! (My babies are currently 1 month and 1,1/2...
  12. danvan420

    I need some info on flowering..

    ive read that when it comes to flowering theres stuff called flushin and topping and bla bla bla.. do i have to do that stuff? can i just change my light cycle and let the budding nature of the plant do its job?? can i even flush if i use miracle grow?
  13. danvan420

    yield question!

    under decent conditions. is it normal to get at least an oz off of one plant?
  14. danvan420

    Questions about flowering process!! Please help! respond asap!

    ok... my appartments are coming in for inspection on the 15th so i need my plants in the dark cycle for the period they said they would be here so that i can hide them accordingly. can i start to flower when there is new grwoth on the top? new sets of leaves just poking out like little spikes...
  15. danvan420

    Hey yall 1st grow!! how they doing? opinions?

    i got 5 32 watt cfls. bagseed. miricale grow feeds up to 6 months mixed with moisture controle mg. the planst are now a month old. just want to know what yall think or what i could do better.. i usually thought they would be taller than this by now. tops of biggest plant seems a little...
  16. danvan420

    Lighting question

    I have 4 plants and 5-32watt cfls and 1-100watt hps. will this be enough light for my plants? they are in a 8ftL X 5ftH X 21/2ftW mylar coated grow room. (closet) lol will this suffice??
  17. danvan420

    Babies Turning Yellow!! Help!

    I have 6 plants just poking through the soil. I germinated them in paper towels until the white things were like 2 cm longish and planted them white things down. now they are poking up out of ground with 2 leaves. i have them in just jiffy pots with the "feeds for 6 months" miracle gro soil...