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  1. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering. If you are without a PH tester and have store bought soil (Miracle Grow, Fox Farms etc.) is it safe to assume the PH level is going to be somewhat to very acidic? I heard stories about FF Ocean forest where it lists 6.3-6.8 on the bag but has been tested at...
  2. oneyejacks

    Possible transplant problems...

    HI everyone, it's been a long time. I am trying to start a new indoor grow, a closet grow in a large building in a major metropolitan city. With this grow I had to transplant the smaller of the two plants in the picture twice already. (because of party cup issues and some mis-timing with...
  3. oneyejacks

    Transplant, possible heat/environment issues, need advice...

    HI everyone, it's been a long time. I am trying to start a new indoor grow, a closet grow in a large building in a major metropolitan city. With this grow I had to transplant the smaller of the two plants in the picture twice already. (because of party cup issues and some mis-timing with...
  4. oneyejacks

    Seed Germination NEWBIES

    I had one of the toughest times trying to germ. Using the paper towel method I destroyed many good seeds... Here is what I did and newbies this is the route you should prolly go... STICK THEM IN SOIL! What I do. I take a party cup 16 oz I believe, I cut out holes in the bottom/side not just...
  5. oneyejacks

    Think I have a hermie, but some questions.

    Hi, I think I have a genetic hermie. Without posting pics of it, here are the traits/questions. 1. It is three weeks or so into 12/12 flowering. 2. It showed female 2 weeks or so ago but the hairs are few and far between where they are showing and are not standing upright, very scraggly. 3...
  6. oneyejacks


    Well I am posterchild on "we told you not to, but you did it anyway". The last of which was going on vacation. Well I had set everything up nicely, raised the lights spaced things out in the grow room. Used water globes, two in my main plant and one each in my second and third plants as far as...
  7. oneyejacks

    Miracle Gro 2nd try Nirvana Feminized Indoor Mix, CFL 6.5k Veg, 2.7k Flower

    Hi, screwed up my first grow. I don't think one sprout was viable and went wrong in sevral places with that one. This one is 40/40/20 Miracle Grow Moisture Control, Miracle Grow Seed Starter and Miracle Grow Pearlite. Everyone in the soil biz put their Fox Farms away for the winter so grabbed...
  8. oneyejacks

    Need help with seedlings

    Hi need a little advice/analysis. I germed and sprouted my seedlings to the point in the picture below. I had decent growth in peat pellets until the night before last. I noticed this morning that there was NO GROWTH last night. Decided to transplant and put the pellets in a cup of soil. I...
  9. oneyejacks

    Nirvana Indoor Mix 8x26w 6500k CFL grow 3 bean - Newb 1st grow

    Hi everyone. Just got my beans, gonna paper towel em and put em in a sandwich bag on top of my cable box. Prolly gonna do 3 to start with 2 as back up in case I f-up. Pics of my grow room and pics of my lights and timer attached. I will be adding 4 more lights (eventually 8x 26w 6500k for veg...
  10. oneyejacks

    MCMC question

    Hi will be trying my first grow soon. I bought MGMC and a bag of pearlite. This will be my first grow and am worried about moisture retention. For practice (I'm such a newb) I put 1/3 pearlite 2/3 MGMC in a party cup and punched 3 holes in the bottom. I completely flushed the mixture 3 times and...