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  1. ezTaz

    Possible cop trouble.

    So I got woken up about 30 minutes ago by my landlord calling me telling me the police called him and were looking for me. Now I'm not sure what it is about exactly, but obviously Id rather them not see my grow op. So my question is, they cant come in at all without a warrant? Or if they come...
  2. ezTaz

    Growing Nebula, Purple Haze, Royal Dwarf and Acid. 400MH and Soil

    check it out guys I appreciate any feedback and criticism
  3. ezTaz

    anybody playing xbox?

    any of you stoners out there playing gears 3 or nhl 12 on xbox live?
  4. ezTaz

    Scrog? pro / con?

    im new at this, just want to know what the benefits are, Heres my plants Do you think it would be a good idea to "Scrog" them?
  5. ezTaz

    hey guys check out my first grow ill take any feedback and tips!
  6. ezTaz

    Check out my first grow! Throw me some comments please
  7. ezTaz

    First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)

    like the title said this is my very first grow ever. I ordered the purple haze strain feminized from attitude seeds and something called medi-bomb. I got the nebula, acid and dwarf for free. These 4 are the ones that made it. Theyre about 2 1/2 weeks old now. I will at least be putting up...
  8. ezTaz

    First time growing, please check out my setup

    Im pretty sure iv got everything covered, let me know if you have any tips. I use a 400w MH for now and ill switch to HPS later.