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  1. U

    Yellow Tips

    I am getting small yellow spots on the tips of my leaves. After awhile they start to curl a little bit. Is this a pH problem, too much nutes, or what?! please help!
  2. U

    Droopy leaves

    sorry guys still getting used to the topic is better off posted here than in the general section. My question: why is my second set of leaves beginning to droop? is this a sign of too much watering? i still have 24 hour light on my baby...when do i switch over to 12on/12off?
  3. U

    Droopy leaves

    why are the second set of leaves starting to curl in/ droop a little bit? I have been having the light on for 24hrs should i switch over to 12on 12 off?
  4. U

    clear container ok?

    i thought i remembered reading something about not using a clear pot for your this true? edit: i guess not b/c you dont want your roots exposed to light
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    My little plant is TALL

    why is my little plant so tall already? did i do something wrong? should i bury it deeper in the soil?
  6. U

    Estimating ppm

    Is there a way to estimate ppm until i get a meter?