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  1. H

    how long can you hold/keep seeds for ?

    im just wondering how long you can keep hold of seeds, just if iv orderd some, thinking they would get here same time as other stuff, but now found out, that my other stuff i need will be a month or so late, WTF , but thats another story lso where would be the best place to store them ...
  2. H

    LETS TALK LED LED light's, what's your thought's on them ?

    been doing some reading, on ''LIGHTS'' MH / HPS/ ETC ETC,. but want has really opened my eyes are LED lights, as use so much less energy + last 50 x longer then the rest, and whats most inportnat, the light they amit, a 50 LED is ment to give better PAR than, say a 1000W HPS seen a good...
  3. H

    how many lumes would you recommend for veg ? flower ? etc etc

    doing a bit of reading, and found out how to work out how many lumens my light will give off in my tent MH 600w x 90 lumens 54000 divided that by 5 sq/ft = 10800, which iv read that 10,000 is a perfect light/lumens , but is this for veg ? flower etc etc could i mix the light lummes up, to...
  4. H

    my tent light and bulb, its just the start of a long/big collection

    I'm new to growing weed , so please give me a chance , ''dont shoot me down lol'' as you will tell, i am doing this for my own/self health reasons and such, plus it will save me a lot of money if i grow 1/2 plants from time to time ;) so here is my tent light/ballast bulb, which i got at a...
  5. H

    jusat bought this bulb, is it any good ?

    done a little home work, and iv found that MH/ HPS are best, so just bought this buld, just would like to know if its any good? as people used it? it say long life,
  6. H

    500w genesis hobby orange / any 1 heard of this ?

    any 1 have an idea if it any good ? iv Googled it, but not having much luck at all .finding any info at all on it, it is a ballast + light with reflector . iv just bought a 600w MH superveg 600W im goosed to what the ballast is , but heard good things of the bulb.:?
  7. H

    are theses seeds that good ? wow

    looking around for seeds, and I'm a big believer that you get what you pay for, but wow :lol: theses must be a good brand of seed , I'm going to doing my home work on theses seeds, iv also heard...
  8. H

    controlling temps/humidity , would this be up to the task

    am looking to getting a kit together for my tent, so any help at all wopuld be great, iv looked through all the newbie FAO'S which is why im looking to be able to control temps/humidity at stages of growth/harvest here is what im looking at , is it any good ...
  9. H

    different lights for different stages of growth

    buying my set up bit by bit, so this stage im buying lights. iv read HID are best ? a close 2nd florescent? metal halide ''MH'' high pressure sodium ''HPS'' im starting with seeds, so will start them off in rockwool . with just a little light ? how big would you surgest ? then...
  10. H

    how many plants, even if you have a good set up, but have very very small exit

    im new, as you will tell with the next few questions :lol: im from the uk, im after a set up, to gain good yield, but only have a spare bedroom to do so, and will be in a tent, ''very good 1'' if there is such a thing. hydroponics drip/waste tank '' MIGHT BE WILMA ??? / 2M W/...
  11. H

    uk listeners what's your chill/inspirational song

    dont know if many know the insight to this song, but it hits home, to me and am sure many other.
  12. H

    hello all

    great forum you have here, i hope to learn alot, and then help other's if i can;-), i am new to this just bought a hidin jardin it's massive lol, i only wanted it for 1/2 plants for my self, i think they sent me the wrong 1 lol, its easy 2mwx2ml 2 1/2mH :lol: oh well thats just the start...