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  1. S

    Thermostat vs Sentinel.... 2 different readings!!!

    Thermostat is reading a temp of 78.8 and humidity of 39/40. But the Sentinel I just put in is reading 70.5 temp and 55 humidity! I tried a 2nd thermostat and it reads close to the 1st thermostat as well. Both thermostats were like $20 so I'm not sure how accurate they really are but I would...
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    Sentinel CHHC-1 question (CO2)

    I have been using CO2 for a little while now. My results have been about a 20-30% increase with just using a regulator with a timer. I also discovered a leak in which more co2 was being released then I realized (still good results with no issues). I had the regulator replaced and now it seems as...
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    FloraDuo vs FloraMicro/Bloom

    Anyone have any personal experience with it? I've always used Micro and Bloom. Wondering if anyone has had any positives or negatives when switching.
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    Bush Master VS Dr Nodes

    I currently use Bush Master but they have now been pulled from the shelves and I can't find any stores that have any left. I found Dr Nodes. Don't know much about it. My searches haven't found much. Anyone have experience with Dr Nodes? Has anyone used BOTH? How did they compare...
  5. S

    HydroGEN CO2 Question

    Anyone have any experience with it? I have access to one but am a lil sketchy of how it works ie propane and water mix. The model I have access to appears to be the older model that runs off batteries. I tried going to Hydro Innovations website but they don't have any info on this model anymore...
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    Is this mold on my clones?!?!?!?!

    This happened in 6 hours! Happened to 2 of them but the other wasn't nearly as bad as this. Now I notice a couple lil spots on like 2 others that have already rooted. Also notice a couple as well in a different clone box. Is it mold?!?!?!?! And what is the best thing for it being that...
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    NSR Greenleaves?

    Any one currently use or have experience with it? Right now I currently the Lucas Formula. After using several different formulas, it seems as though the Lucas Formula has given me the best results and very good quality. But I am NSR gives awesome results. Awesome is better than very good...
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    What Is The Problem?!?! Pics Inside!

    These are my mother plants. I've had them for over 6 months starting from clones. This problem started about a May 27th. I sprayed some fungicide and flushed them with only RO water for 4 days and noticed it stopped doing what the first pic shows (like something is eating the fan leaves). Now 2...
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    Sulphur burn question

    Do any of you re-burn the sulphur left over from after doing a sulphur burn? If you do, do you grind down the sulphur first? Reason I ask is cuz most people tell me they do but the shop I got it from said he doesn't recommend it cuz of the risk of fire. Kinda doesn't make sense to me but...
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    PM issue and did Sulphur burn but still see PM

    Here's the details......In week 4 of flowering. 8x8x7 tent. Shut off ALL fans (fan blowing in, exhaust, and circulation fan). Filled sulphur burner about 1/2 way. Started the burner 4 hours after lights shut off. Burned for 4 hours. Temp didn't get higher than 80.4. Humidity reached 81. After...